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VrayMeshLight support for ThinkingParticles and datChannel texture

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  • VrayMeshLight support for ThinkingParticles and datChannel texture

    hi there the mesh light is something really great to have but it would be really better if support thinking particles (or other particles sysytems)

    try only to image if you have to do sparks that illuminate a scene with geometries and fluid would be simply amazing to just generate a lightmesh then asign the TP, this would avoid so many turnarounds and make this kind of tasks a child play...when as it is now is a huge pain

    one more important support to add is the new thinkingParticels dataChannel texture, this texture let's receive informations from inside TP and assign them to a texture so basically it makes easy to manage a shader procedurally form inside TP

    so reassuming the good procedure would be to assigh TP as mesh into the VrayLightMesh then assign the dataChannel texture in the VrayLightMesh as well then assign this light to the fluid grid, (vray - fumefx - openVDB ans so on) and the result is to get perfect illumination based on procedural data coming from inside thinkingparticles

    this feature is something that we miss a lot
    Last edited by derstark; 06-07-2022, 09:21 AM.

  • #2
    Why not use the lightmaterial with direct lighting on?
    The performance is analogous to that of mesh lights.
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


    • #3
      FumeFX does not support that option, it only supports lights so to have illumination from particles the only way is to use the MeshLight from Vray


      • #4
        It's likely much easier for FFX to support our light material than for us to support TP as sources in a light.
        I'll raise this to the devs, regardless.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #5
          hi Emanuele actually i turnaorund this with the alembic exporter but the dataChannel texture support is missing anyway
          if a direct support is not possible due to other priorities it could be anyway useful to have this TP texture supported so i can control the color of the lights per particle

          let's see what's coming out from the FumeFX 6 that looks very promising...maybee they have already considered this missing feature

          thanks for your time

