Hi there: Having an issue or improvement with the Framebuffer as of now 
Basically integrating a car into a backplate. Backplate is already colorgraded and just a .jpg and should remain unchanged.
The car of course requires tonemapping. Using the Composite mode and Folders with Masks to apply the tonemapping only on the car. This works great and is a gamechanger in terms of viewing your rendering on the graded background.
BUT: As Folders and Masks only work in Composite Mode the are computed BEFORE the Lens Effects. That means that after the Tonemapping everything is clamped to 0 and 1 and the lenseffects don't work anymore. So for example if you have a bright hotspot it's not being picked up from the Lenseffect, as the tonemapping is happening before.
Wouldn't it be possible to compute the LensEffects the same way like in RGB mode where everything is ON TOP of the lenseffects? Somehow RGB mode doesn't allow Folders. It possible though to add masks to each tonemapping procedure but if you have like a bunch of operators it gets quite tedious to add individual masks to anything....
Isn't it possible just to have folders with masks ON TOP f the lens effects?
Would make everything much simpler...

Basically integrating a car into a backplate. Backplate is already colorgraded and just a .jpg and should remain unchanged.
The car of course requires tonemapping. Using the Composite mode and Folders with Masks to apply the tonemapping only on the car. This works great and is a gamechanger in terms of viewing your rendering on the graded background.
BUT: As Folders and Masks only work in Composite Mode the are computed BEFORE the Lens Effects. That means that after the Tonemapping everything is clamped to 0 and 1 and the lenseffects don't work anymore. So for example if you have a bright hotspot it's not being picked up from the Lenseffect, as the tonemapping is happening before.
Wouldn't it be possible to compute the LensEffects the same way like in RGB mode where everything is ON TOP of the lenseffects? Somehow RGB mode doesn't allow Folders. It possible though to add masks to each tonemapping procedure but if you have like a bunch of operators it gets quite tedious to add individual masks to anything....
Isn't it possible just to have folders with masks ON TOP f the lens effects?
Would make everything much simpler...