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VRay for Maya?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Nenad
    Roy, this section is called wishlist. It is quite obvious that the programmers will make their own decisions.


    Nenad, that'S just what I was trying to imply - not everyone
    can see what's obvious - my post was only intended as a friendly

    And BTW, I do read section headers

    Best Regards,
    vertex wrangler


    • #17
      Ok, ok, I see, I see ...




      • #18
        Until Vray gets to maya and XSI, it will be used mainly in architectural visualization...

        it has to make the leap and get a connection to these packages as soon as possible...if chaos wants for the renderer to get to the highend market ... it doesn't matter if everything is rock could be used for the moment to render some elements - some passes ...the users should get used to it

        i am using only the demo version till it get's to maya or better xsi...maybe max is able to handle enough polygons for architectural staff - but it's pritty hard handling higher complexity scenes...there's a need for that renderer been ported...

        the poll on isn't saying anything - the people that usually visit the site are max users that don't use maya.

        I am wondering why doesn't vlado or peter say something regarding this, just let us wonder and hope - or maybe they know that silence is safer?

        anyway I love Vray - i love the way it works - hope it goes the right way...


        • #19
          I am sure that Vlado and Peter and well aware of it...

          Here is another issue. In terms of a software makers, there is actually not that much money in film. Architecture actually has a lot more money and is growing a lot faster. You are more liekly to sell 2 copy each to 20 architecture companies, then to sell 10 copies each to 2 effects companies. The only thing that Vray would get from film would be better exposure which will translate into better marketing, and better money.

          If film was the answer, Side Effect would be the biggest company in CG... Houdini is the ultimate 3D package.

          Most big film places also want something very flexible and customizable... which is why renderman is so popular. This far outbenefits speed as well, especially when you have 1000+ cpus.

          I am SURE that Spluttefish, Seabass, and ChaosGroup are all looking at Maya solutions. With Maya 5 out, and the open render API it must be a looking good for all of them.


          • #20
            VRay is the only reason why I still struggle with MAX slow and buggy interface. I beg for the day VRay will be available for Maya!

            And as someone already stated I think it will be easier for all the renderengine developers to get a Maya solution running their engine. And I think Maya will get a much broader userbase since they lowered the price to almost half of overprized Max.

            Don´t get me wrong. I like Maxes functionality and the ease of use. I have been using it since 3D Studio R4 Dos a decade ago and always been a loyal user. But discreet always promise a ground up rebuild of the engine to get it up to speed but it never happens.

            Anyway, I like Maya more each day I use it. The only thing that I dont like is the rendering. Mental Ray can make beautiful imagery but it so very unpredictable so it takes too long time to get the result I need.

            So to Chaos Group, there is definilty a market among Maya and XSI users.

            Peter Brauner
            VFX Artist


            • #21
              I also wanted to add that porting to Maya will attract other industries besides film. I personally work as an Industrial Designer and I would love to get my hands on Vray or Brazil for product visualization. In fact that is the only reason I pop in this fomum here and there, just to see when Vray will port to Maya or Standalone. Besides my filed there's also lots of people working with Maya for automotive design, footwear, medical viz, and many other scientific fields, including NASA.

              My ultimate wish would be actually Vray for Rhino3D, which is a huge player in my industry and my tool of choice. But I would be willing to muy a seat of maya since it has a decent Nurbs support to bring my data in and even edited within Maya if I need too. Max on the other hand it's just not an option for me and many others.

              I'm still crossing my fingers for some annoucement during Siggraph.


              • #22
                Without wishing to divert this thread too much, I'd love to see a version of Vray usable with Lightwave.

                As Lightwave isn't yet able to use 3rd party renderers , it's have to be a standalone version of Vray.

                At the momment MAX is just a neccessary bolt on for Vray as far as I'm concerned


                • #23
                  Vlado and Peter have mentioned a few things about the maya port in the past, but since they are only two people and 1.1 is looming it might be a while before we see this port.
                  From various posts from Vlado and Peter this seems to be the path they are taking.

                  VRAY will be stand alone first, mainly for Max. After the Stand Alone version is done, with support for really high poly counts maybe ...hopefully...
                  the connection to Maya can be written. It makes sense to make VRAY stand alone for a few reasons.

                  Easier to port to other OS's, Linux, Mac OS what ever. make the code portable and this becomes an easier job for the programmers.
                  Other than running other OS's, making VRAY Stand alone will have a few other benefits.
                  Maya or other ports become easier.
                  Way less RAM usage. Imaging not having to load a pig like Max just to do a render.
                  Smaller install foot print for render nodes...

                  I am sure the port is being worked on, but even though the maya API is now open, many programmers have stated that porting from Max to Maya is a challenge due to the fact that the Maya SDK does not expose the core of Maya in the same way Max does and there for has caused a few stumbling blocks for some developers used to Max. not to say Max doesn't have it's own set of head aches....

                  Just because they haven't revealed all their secrets doesn't mean they don't have some thing coming......
                  Two heads are better than one ...
                  ....but some head is better than none.....


                  • #24
                    Just wanted to throw in, that I would really like to see a Maya or XSI version of VRay too. VRay i s one of my main reasons sticking to max.



                    • #25
                      all i know is that when i spend an entire day setting up mental ray renders, and then decide to browse some vray galleries, or peoples' vray 'tests', i head to my bed and cry for a little while. . vray is better, plain an simple. i dare any mental ray guru to prove me wrong. heh, maybe mental ray has just made me bitter.


                      • #26
                        So any news on VRay for XSI?
                        There is a lot of asking for this on Esspecially now, when XSI4 will have open architecture for other renderers and plugins. Don't keep it just for Max (and later Maya).


                        • #27
                          I'd love to see VRay running under Linux with Maya !


                          • #28
                            At the 3d festival we talked to some Softimage guys about a possibility of linking VRay to XSI, but it's too early to say anything more specific.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #29
                              And any news on Vray for C4D?
                              It should be possible as currently the Advanced render plugin for C4D core is in fact the FinalRender from Cebas.


                              • #30
                                We Max user paid for the development and still miss DR and many other things.

                                I would like to see Chaos focusing on developing a "Brazil like" stable version of Vray before coding for Maya, C4D or XSI.

                                I fear that Max will not be first priority after v1.5 and that the coding of Maya or XSI versions will make it worse.

                                Vray was always a buggy product (great but buggy) and we will see if v1.5 is rock solid as promised.

