Hi. There is a little proposition about Vray lights. Lots of users of other r/s often say about pour Vray shadows when you use Vray light at the window area in interior scene. Some times some objects are "flying in the air". I tried to solve the problem using Max's Photometric Free Area Light insted of Vray light. When you render the scene using IRR maps and direct in the secondary bonces It works even better then Vray light. To get good shadows you can simply set up thair size and softness not changing the size of the light. You get beautyful strong shadows.
But Free Area Light need a little correction at the corners that are at the window. And it does not work good with photons. Here is the scene I used
Free Area Light with photons. First I put Vray Light at the window and render photons to a file (save it as file) Than to get good shadows I turn off Vray Light and turn on Free Area Light and read photons from file (made with Vray Light). I was not able to get this kind of shadows using Vray light. And as you can clearly see there is an impression that Free Area Light gives you more lighting. SO area light is much faster
and need less subdivs. Thanks
But Free Area Light need a little correction at the corners that are at the window. And it does not work good with photons. Here is the scene I used
Free Area Light with photons. First I put Vray Light at the window and render photons to a file (save it as file) Than to get good shadows I turn off Vray Light and turn on Free Area Light and read photons from file (made with Vray Light). I was not able to get this kind of shadows using Vray light. And as you can clearly see there is an impression that Free Area Light gives you more lighting. SO area light is much faster
and need less subdivs. Thanks
