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output passes to separate folders

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  • #16
    Dunno it's exactly what you want and I didn't tried it. So I don't know it works well with V-Ray
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    • #17
      Originally posted by KiboOst View Post
      Well, all options I need are exposed to maxscript, but works totally heraticaly. sometimes works, sometimes not, sometimes do the opposite ... nothing robust
      For some reason, the choice between a 16 bit float and 32 bit float EXR isn't exposed to maxscript - likewise the option of saving it as RGBA, Integer and so on aren't exposed. Not a huge problem but anyway.


      • #18
        Seconding what Rend said except with FrameStamp'y syntax:

        ... on second thought, that looks a bit messy, maybe Rend's version is better


        • #19
          Try RPManager...


          • #20
            Originally posted by joconnell View Post
            For some reason, the choice between a 16 bit float and 32 bit float EXR isn't exposed to maxscript - likewise the option of saving it as RGBA, Integer and so on aren't exposed. Not a huge problem but anyway.
            From the Maxscript Help

            <bool>fopenexr.setLayerOutputFormat <integer>layer <integer>format

            Returns the output format of the layer specified by the first argument to the type specified by the second argument.

            Possible values for the second argument are

            0 - FLOAT32

            1 - FLOAT16

            2 - INT32
            Here is an example of setting the Main Layer's Output Format and Type:
            fopenexr.setLayerOutputFormat 0 0 -- set Main Render to FLOAT32
            fopenexr.setLayerOutputType 0 1 -- set Main Render to RGB
            Maxscript made easy....
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            If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


            • #21
              Yes all EXR options are settable through maxscript, even more than through the UI.

              The reason why this sometimes works and sometimes not is probably because you need to actually write a file to disk first for the settings to be locked in. This is how max bitmap IO works unfortunately.

              Try this, it's a basic script I wrote a while back. This will allow you to set the EXR settings for 3ds max file output and render elements. Doesn't work for VRay outputs yet. Also there's no way that I know to read out the settings from an existing render element, so there's no feedback on what the elements are currently set to.

              It assumes you already have your output set to the correct location, this doesn't change the file's location, only the EXR settings!
              try destroyDialog dlgSetEXRSettings
              aElems = #()
              append aElems "Max FileOut"
              objRmgr = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()
              iElemC = objRmgr.NumRenderElements()
              for n = 0 to (iElemC-1) do
              	sElem = (objRmgr.getrenderelement n).elementName
              	append aElems sElem
              rollout dlgSetEXRSettings "SetExrSettings_v001_rh" width:368 height:600
              	MultiListBox mlbOut "EXR Outputs" items:aElems pos:[16,16] width:216 height:37
              	dropDownList ddlForm "Format" items:#("Float32", "Float16", "Int32") selection:2 pos:[240,32] width:112 height:40 
              	button btnSet "Set Selected" pos:[56,536] width:128 height:32
              	dropDownList ddlType "Type" items:#("RGBA", "RGB", "Mono") selection:2 pos:[240,80] width:112 height:40
              	dropDownList ddlComp "Compression" items:#("None", "RLE", "ZIPS","ZIP","PIZ","PXR24","B44","B44A") selection:3 pos:[240,128] width:112 height:40
              	dropDownList ddlStor "Storage Type" items:#("Scanlines","Tiles") selection:1 pos:[240,176] width:112 height:40
              	dropDownList ddlReg "Image Region" items:#("Full","Region") selection:2 pos:[240,224] width:112 height:40
              	on btnSet pressed do
              		bDlg = renderSceneDialog.isOpen()
              		iForm = ddlForm.selection - 1
              		iType  = ddlType.selection - 1
              		iComp = ddlComp.selection - 1
              		if (ddlStor.selection - 1) == 0 then bStor = true else bStor = false
              		if (ddlReg.selection - 1) == 0 then bReg = false else bReg = true
              		aSel = (mlbOut.selection as array)
              		if aSel.count != 0 do
              			for n in aSel do
              				fopenexr.setLayerOutputFormat 0 iForm
              				fopenexr.setLayerOutputType 0 iType 
              				fopenexr.setCompression iComp
              				fopenexr.setSaveScanline bStor
              				fopenexr.setSaveRegion bReg
              				fopenexr.setAutoAddRenderElements false  -- !!!!
              				if n == 1 then
              					rendOutputFilename = rendOutputFilename -- not sure if it actually updates like this
              					i = n-2
              					elemI = objRmgr.getRenderElement i
              					sElem = objRmgr.getRenderElementFilename i
              					sElemPath = getFilenamePath sElem
              					sElemNew = sElemPath + (i as string) + "_DELETEME" + ".exr"
              					makeDir sElemPath
              					bmTemp = bitmap 1 1 filename:sElemNew gamma:1.0
              					save bmTemp
              					elemI.bitmap = bmTemp
              					objRmgr.SetRenderElementFilename i sElem
              					close bmTemp
              					deleteFile sElemNew
              		if bDlg do
              createDialog dlgSetEXRSettings
              Rens Heeren


              • #22
                Ah - it might be missing from the 2012 docs perhaps? There wasn't anything available there when I looked at it originally. Must have a run through your script Rens - I never put in the part about writing a temp bitmap into our fileout bits, lazy on my behalf. How's stuttgart treating you?


                • #23
                  It think the 2012 docs has them, not the 2011 ones, I'm not sure if they updated them later on or not though. Yeah it's a very peculiar way to go about it, but if it works it works. There isn't really anything in the docs about how to make the settings sticky though.
                  Stuttgart is good, thanks, how are things in Dublin?
                  Rens Heeren


                  • #24
                    Busy and constantly evolving! Two friends of mine are both on to their second feature films now so it's looking like some good RnD and then into pre-production early next year. Lots to work on and plenty of software things changing at the minute too!


                    • #25
                      +1 for this - day,month,year, & time tokens would be what I would use. Oh and the camera/view name? Is that even possible? Is it possible with max script?

                      At that point I could just run through my cameras firing off renders to the farm and not worry about renaming new versions and also not having to change the output name as I go through the list.

                      [date %y%m%d]_[%camera]_[time %h%m%s].exr

                      Last edited by cheerioboy; 18-02-2014, 04:22 AM.
                      Brendan Coyle |


                      • #26
                        Its is useful.

                        OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi


                        • #27
                          About the original request of this topic: can someone confirm that it is still impossible even with vray3 to output render elements in separated folder when using VFB?
                          It would make my life so much easier with my colleagues
                          KCTOO - Directors


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by kagemaru View Post
                            About the original request of this topic: can someone confirm that it is still impossible even with vray3 to output render elements in separated folder when using VFB?
                            It would make my life so much easier with my colleagues
                            Unfortunately it is not implemented yet. I will make a note to the relevant request in our system.
                            Tashko Zashev |
                            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                            • #29
                              Related topic :

                              Actually, I find really astonishing how VRay is powerfull and can be so tricky on saving our render files !


                              • #30
                                Isn't this feature implemented yet?

                                OakCorp Japan - Yuji Yamauchi

