Well, no luck, when install it, start max.. error it says the specified module cannot be found.. I put it in pluging, vray plugin , i have max design 2014.. does it change something from max standard?
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skin shader a la Alsurface pleaseeee
Here's a comparaison between SSS" and Alsurface for Vray... as you can see.. it's HUMONGOUSLY BETTERVlado, would be really cool if you can integrate also the 4 sss modes
Later on if you are too bored after finishing this one
BTW, both pretty much default ( I only added reflection to alsurface since by default the color were black so.. and put one of the sss color a bit more red and that's it!
Also, notice how the sss is deeper, the reflection SO MUCH BETTER!! and how the sss keeps MUCH more details, back ssss wayyy better, etc etc etc ! It's better on a daily and weekly !
By the way, the displacement is the one of max, only at 4 subdiv.. not the one of Vray, it was just for test so, .. it's faster ^^ but it removed most of my details..
Last edited by Bigguns; 19-07-2016, 11:13 PM.
Originally posted by Moriah View PostWow, this is looking great! Will it work with RT GPU Vlado?
Attached is one more comparison with the Arnold shader; looks quite close overall.
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
I've tested it with Emily:
It looks quite Impressive! Good job Vlado
Bigguns is right, it keeps more detail of the displacemant and works mutch better on those skin on skin areas above the eyes and between the lips.
But I couldn't get the reflections to work they just don't render. I use the 2017 version with the latest nightly.
Keeped the material as it is except the sss mix which I set to 1. Afterwarts I put it in Emilys blend map tree to get reflections.
I'm wondering how the diffuse strength and sss mix work. Diffuse Strength makes the material dark till its black. And mix seems to blend between diffuse and sss till about 50/50 ratio at 1.
So I can't get the pure sss, at least i've found no way.
It seems to be buggy here so I don't know if it turned out as it should.
I rendered some other work while I was rendering this. So posting rendertimes wouldn't make any sense.Last edited by Ihno; 20-07-2016, 04:01 AM.German guy, sorry for my English.
Originally posted by Ihno View PostBut i couldn't get the reflections to work they just don't render. I use the 2017 version with the latest nightly.
[EDIT] Nevermind, I saw that you blended with another material. You need to set the reflection color to white and the reflection strength to 1.0.
So I can't get the pure sss, at least i've found no way.
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
Originally posted by vlado View PostKeep the "diffuse strength" to 1.0, and set the "sss mix" to 1.0 - this will give you pure SSS without a diffuse component.
Originally posted by original AL surface docDiffuse
The diffuse layer sits underneath both specular layers and so its intensity is scaled according to the Fresnel transmission of both the specular lobes.
Multiplier on the intensity of the diffuse reflection.
But if that is the case, where is the ior and gloss. Or does that mean it's the strenth of the light reflectig to the camera and scene.
Which I beleve would be the same as the output curves or rgb multiplier. But what would be the point about adding it then?German guy, sorry for my English.
Here is a scene that demonstrates reflections.
Best regards,
VladoAttached FilesI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
Ah, I treated the roughtness like the glossines in other materials.
So I was playing with values between 0.8 and 1 which results in almost no noticeable reflection in a scene where the only possible reflection source is a very small Light.
Now I get reflections.
Thanks for clarifying!German guy, sorry for my English.
Originally posted by Ihno View PostAh, I treated the roughtness like the glossines in other materials.
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
Hi Vlado,
first congrats for that port of the Alsurface to Vray it's amazingIt offer new possibility to Vray with nex gen shaders and.. none the less , it will make it more easy to switch peoples from Arnold to Vray
. The advantage of Arnold are vanishing with this shader ^^ . It was his main advantage over Vray so.. plus, having it working the same way exactly in max, help us a lot to work in max and alsurface to arnold and alsurface, becauseme and some other guy are in max vray and the rest of the pipeline are on arnold.. so it was hard for us to test the maps and know how it would look like in arnold with alsurface.. it was a lot of back and forth to make it work correctly but now, it will be SO easy!
Here I'm giving you my 2 cents again, if I were you, I would integrate al hair also and fully implement the Alsurface with the gazillions parameters ^^ . That way, it's easy for peoples to work and switch and use the 2 in production ^^. Single person benefit from outstanding shader and enterprise from interoperability, so you gain more clients ^^ . That's my point of view.. and it's share by everyone here at the studio also ^^ they are all very exited about this hehe.
Can you plese, compile a version of the shader for max 2013 or 2016, it's what I'm using at workl please
EDIT : Can you name the sss component the same as in alsurface, because now it's sss1,sss2,etc.
EDIT : I know you'r not finish with the shader, but just to make sure, we need the backlight control alsoLast edited by Bigguns; 20-07-2016, 09:11 AM.
Originally posted by Bigguns View PostCan you plese, compile a version of the shader for max 2013 or 2016, it's what I'm using at workl please
EDIT : Can you name the sss component the same as in alsurface, because now it's sss1,sss2,etc.
EDIT : I know you'r not finish with the shader, but just to make sure, we need the backscatter control also
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
Fantastic!! It's great time Vlado to be part of Vray haha. After it will be the turn for Alhair ok?and then we are in business , no more need for anyone to switch to arnold
I think in Katana it's named : Front scatter, mid scatter and Deepscatter. Have the third layer blue of the sss , made me think.. hmm ok, are they in the right order lol. I don't know too much that shader, since I don't use it so I was like ha ok.. but let me check again when the guy are back from diner ^^ .
Backlight can be used for back of the ear, but also for cartoon character, or object with sss ,like strawberry let's say, it's good to have that control Vlado!Always better to have more control then less as an artist, trust me ^^