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skin shader a la Alsurface pleaseeee

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  • Wow Vlado I was not looking an ymore was waitong for weeks to look at again haha ! Yeah! Can I have a sample so I can play with it? Look's very promising I have to say! If you can get the same as al surface, then we are in business Give me give me give me hahaha


    • Sure, I can get you something later tonight... I haven't hooked up everything yet, but some feedback could be useful. Which 3ds Max version do you need it for? You probably told me, but I forgot...

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • I use 2014 at home YEah I feel like it's christmass . Can you let me know what is still not implemented ? if there is still any ^^

        Edit : I know Alsurface as some control like for the reflection to not over reflect on edge etc are we going to get all of these? very important for skin ^^
        Last edited by Bigguns; 19-07-2016, 09:21 AM.


        • Hm, what's it called? There are gazillion parameters there; I only plan to implement the ones you need for skin.

          Best regards,

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • IT's in both reflection rollout option under Advanced --- Indirect strenght

            So if you copy all of his reflection layers we should be ok I guess


            • And later on, would be really cool to implement the 4 types of sss it has, some are better for candy's etc


              • Also, can you let render longer Arnold so it get rid of the noise for better comparaison between the 2 ? Right now, the only small thing I'm seeing ( and it's maybe because arnold is noisy ) is that in the shadowed folds let's say, like eyelids fold, inner part of the eyes etc, it seem a bit darker in Arnold.


                • Originally posted by Bigguns View Post
                  IT's in both reflection rollout option under Advanced --- Indirect strenght
                  Hm, but that one is a total cheat... it effectively reduces the strength of reflections only leaving the specular highlights. I'm not disputing it's usefulness, but setting it to anything other than 1.0 produces a non-physical material. If you had to use it, then something else is probably very wrong in your setup.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • Originally posted by Bigguns View Post
                    Also, can you let render longer Arnold so it get rid of the noise for better comparaison between the 2 ?
                    I don't really have much time, but you can play with it yourself

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • Butin Arnold, it pretty much cool ( the reflection ) out of the boxe, not too muche fresnel and no corner of the nostril reflectif etc but it's still cool to have it even if it's not physically correct, if it look's correct that's the key ^^ In vray sss2 shader, that fresnel reflection is wayyy too strong, the nostril edge and in the ears it all gets that shiny edgy reflection wich is not there in reality.. even emily 2 project has it, especially in the ears so noticeable... so maybe it's physically accurate in the math.. but it don't represent well the real world since in the real world it never does that so, it's why I prefer those not physically control to counter the not so physically maths hehe better more control then less . I will play with it tonight and show you what I will get and give you feedback
                      Last edited by Bigguns; 19-07-2016, 02:37 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Bigguns View Post
                        Butin Arnold, it pretty much cool ( the reflection ) out of the boxe, not too muche fresnel and no corner of the nostril reflectif etc but it's still cool to have it even if it's not physically correct, if it look's correct that's the key ^^ In vray sss2 shader, that fresnel reflection is wayyy too strong, the nostril edge and in the ears it all gets that shiny edgy reflection wich is not there in reality.. even emily 2 project has it, especially in the ears so noticeable... so maybe it's physically accurate in the math.. but it don't represent well the real world since in the real world it never does that so, it's why I prefer those not physically control to counter the not so physically maths hehe better more control then less . I will play with it tonight and show you what I will get and give you feedback
                        I still don't get it... the Fresnel in the alStandard shader is different from the one in the VRaySSS2 and in my own version of the alStandard shader is the same as in Arnold. There should be no need to touch the indirect specular parameter neither in Arnold nor in V-Ray.

                        It would be best to wait a bit and play with it before going into discussions

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • yes as I said, if it's like in Arnold, should just be good . But did you added that indirect reflection parameter or you removed it? because alsurface has it ^^ . I'm just waiting the shader to play with


                          • I haven't added all the parameters yet - it is still a WIP.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • Here is what I have so far (max 2014 and 2017):

                              Note that this is still WIP; there's obviously more work to do (f.e. adding the "diffusion" SSS mode, Beckmann reflections, metallic Fresnel etc) and there are probably bugs, but it should be enough to do some basic testing.

                              Best regards,
                              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                              • ok great downloading now :P Yeah ! haha

