Wow! You summed it all exactly like I would have want to say! You are a very clever guy John!
Another thing is that this year Blender is making more money than Autodesk because ADSK are loosing millions this year. The Blender Foundation is not loosing anything as far as I know.
Autodesk has 2.7 millions subscription across all its products.
Blender has reach almost 500 000 downloads a month (a regular month without a release) directly from BF servers (not counting all the mirrors), which is around 6 millions downloads a year minimum.
I feel like there's a change of direction in The Force!
And how can we compete with those guys:
Another thing is that this year Blender is making more money than Autodesk because ADSK are loosing millions this year. The Blender Foundation is not loosing anything as far as I know.
Autodesk has 2.7 millions subscription across all its products.
Blender has reach almost 500 000 downloads a month (a regular month without a release) directly from BF servers (not counting all the mirrors), which is around 6 millions downloads a year minimum.
I feel like there's a change of direction in The Force!
And how can we compete with those guys: