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Everlasting question: Cycles mats converter

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  • #16
    The updated material converter is now available for download! It converts Cycles nodes to various render engines, including V-Ray.

    It also allows you to add textures to the node tree and create a basic material based on those textures.


    Node conversion:
    • ColorRamp
    • ImageTexture
    • InvertNode
    • ColorCorrection
    • NormalMap
    • Hue/Saturation/Value
    • MixColorNode
    • MappingNode
    • Mix shader (Creates a Vray layered material if the algorithm detects a MixShaderNode, but only if Translucent or Glass is not used in the Cycles material).
    • Mix
    • Reads data from Principled/Glass/Translucent nodes.
    zorianpl/Material_Converter_Main: Main Module for my Material Converter addon with pre-installed module for LuxCore rendere


    • #17
      I've released an update that improves V-Ray shader recreation, but I'm still seeing some differences compared to other render engines (see images below). This update includes:
      • Support for Poliigon materials and models.
      • Replacing Fast SSS2 with V-Ray Standard Material when subsurface scattering is used.
      • Correct bump settings for normal maps in V-Ray Material node
      Release Material Converter 1.0.4 · zorianpl/Material_Converter_Main
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Very nice work so far. I played around with v1.0.4 and most conversions from Cycles-->VRay seem ok. A couple of observations:

        1. In VRay for Blender, the Displacement node is attached to the Object, not the shader, as in Blender native. Is there a way to throw the displacement map into a new Object node tree (connected to VRay object output). If so, you can also connect up a subdivision node to the Object Output, to support the VRay Displacement node.

        2. Some of the linear, or B&W, textures are connecting color out to intensity in on the BRDF, when they should be using Out Intensity I believe.

        As stated, nice job so far. Let me know if you have any questions.


        • #19
          I wasn't sure if I should use "color" or "Intensity", I'll try to improve the output for the latter.

          Regarding Displacement, you're right, I now remember that in the version for 279 displacement was in the object. I don't know yet how a model with several materials will behave, it may be necessary to add a popup that says that this object has more than one material. I'll do some tests.

          Many thanks for your feedback.


          • #20
            I have started implementing Displacement for V-ray. Currently, it will only be available when creating new materials using the addon tools. Later, I will implement it for the converter. Can anyone tell me if this is a good Displacement setup?

            Also, my addon allows you to save predefined material settings, such as for Luxcore/Octane. Which of the similar options would be good to implement in the V-ray tab?
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Can anyone provide me with a correct Vray scene setup using an interior HDR map? It can be the c00 map from Polyhaven, or what would such a setup look like? Do I need to use Environment nodes, Domelight, or something else? It's not intuitive to me. In Octane/Cycles/Luxcore, it's enough to connect the map to the environment.


              • #22
                Is this what you're looking for? vray HDRI setup 2.jpg VRay HDRI setup.jpg

