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Atmospheric Effects

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  • Atmospheric Effects

    Hi everybody,

    I've question about the atmospheric effects. How is the workflow to use this? With fog, don't unterstand... Is it supported in Vray 5? Please help me, can't find anything in the www.

    Thanks, Harry

  • #2
    Take a look here


    • #3
      Hi YunalZobu - so I need the "normal" fog for the atmospheric effects? I thought, it is a separat tool!


      • #4
        Could you share ref image of the result you are after. I though you needed the fog setup


        • #5
 - here - startet a 1:29 m - there is a effect I wanna have.


          • #6
            For that effect the best/fastest tool was the atmospheric effect on the 3.7 version, I hope that will be reintroduced on v5. You can do that also using the V5 fog system but honestly I would just create a zdepth pass and add fog in post.
            If you want to do that in V5 is still simple but it will add render time, on our beta version blogpost you can find an example with a screenshot of the setup:
            Last edited by sirio76; 27-05-2021, 02:21 AM.
            3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
            NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
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            • #7
              That an Render Element you need first to add using the Render Elements window (link to that one) once there, it needs something volumetric in the scene, so you'll need to add the Environment Fog and either limit its influence with a mesh as a child or leave it affecting the whole scene.
              You can then see in Interactive or Production rendering in VFB and use it as shown in the Composite mode.

              If you've got any other questions, just post them here will try to reply asap


              • #8
                Thanks for helping - I will try it with the fog system! Great, thanks


                • #9
                  This would be a great feature to have back in vray 5! I know the environment fog is great and all but it adds so much to the render time. Its funny how vray 3.7 had it, and now corona render also has it but vray 5 doesn't


                  • #10
                    Hi there,

                    A few days ago we added Aerial perspective in the latest stable builds. It can be enabled from the Aerial perspective tab of the V-Ray Sun. You can download the latest stable build from here. This has also been discussed in this forum thread.

                    I hope this is of help.
                    Aleksandar Kasabov


                    • #11

                      ---edit--- Aleksandar already answered while I was typing---
                      It's already available, just download the latest nightly build
                      Corona and Vray 3.x comes from many years of development, Vray5 for Cinema4d have been released about a year ago, it's very young compared to other engines so it's normal that some features are still missing
                      For what it worth I've been a long time Vray and Corona user and I can tell you that development of Vray5 for Cinema have been a lot faster compared to those.
                      3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                      NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                      @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


                      • #12
                        I just saw the update! Great news!
                        Regarding the development times. I can see that it is progressing much faster since the first beta release, but keep in mind that there were a lot of buggy and missing things on the initial release, and we were waiting for a new version for years The expectations were irrationally high. If i look at vray 5 for c4d as a brand new render engine than the development is exceptionally fast. So kudos. But still, i miss important features.
                        The main thing that people like about corona is the trello page for the planed features


                        • #13
                          Hello akos_kiss,

                          Thank you for your feedback and understanding.

                          Our developers are constantly working on bug fixes and implementing the missing features in V-Ray for Cinema4D. We have prepared a list of features (that we regularly update) that are planned for the next update, which you can find here. Could you please share which features are you still missing so we can see if their priorities can be bumped additionally? Thanks.
                          Aleksandar Kasabov


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by akos_kiss View Post
                            The main thing that people like about corona is the trello page for the planed features
                            --edit--- Aleksandar answered before me---
                            Is not that "elegant" but we have something similar for Vray too
                            I like a lot the Trello page as a concept, unfortunately most Corona feature do not meet the expected release timeframe unless they are almost completed(that's why its called "tentative"), other do not come at all. So while it's very nice that Corona team is sharing the roadmap, in real life is not more useful than what we have in that post.
                            In general for missing Vray feature just ask developers, of course they can not tell you a release date but they can surely let you know if they are planned and what their priority is
                            3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                            NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                            @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter

