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Stereoscopic v-ray cam

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  • Stereoscopic v-ray cam

    Hello, stereoscopic v-ray cam is only available in v-ray 3.7. Is it still in the list of future features or it has been killed? Is there any way to simulate the feature using a setup of 2 cameras to render separately?

  • #2
    Have you tried
    1. Enable Stereoscopic in render settings
    2. Set the renderer to V-Ray
    3. Using the camera overrides and setting the type to spherical
    4. Set your aspect ratio to 2:1 and choose a resolution
    5. Render to PV
    I think this should work, if I understood what you are looking for


    • #3
      Hi, yes tried that however it doesn't work; I need to generate two 2:1 panorama images, left and right eye with accurate eye distance, to be rendered together top-bottom or left-right, or even separately to be assembled in photoshop. This is the format required with oculus; like the attached image.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hello amsterdamike,

        Currently, V-Ray 5 for Cinema4D doesn't have stereoscopic rendering. This will be implemented in the future, however, I cannot give you a specific timeframe.
        Aleksandar Kasabov


        • #5
          Hi, I hope also of this. It is not good, to work again and again in the old version 3.7 with big projects. The results have to be stereoskopic renderings...


          • #6
            Another big update and still no stereoscopic rendering support, after one year from first release ..... is this feature so irrelevant?


            • #7
              Hey amsterdamike ,
              The feature is not irrelevant at all. We will implement support for stereoscopic rendering in one of our next hotfix releases and will update the post here as soon as we have it in the stable builds so you can take advantage of it without the need to wait for an official release.
              I've added it to the planned features page for everyone to be aware that we will be working on it.
              Last edited by shaio; 08-12-2021, 09:00 AM.
              Ivan Shaykov


              • #8
                Hello amsterdamike,

                As I already mentioned here and here, with the release of V-Ray 6 for Cinema4D, Update 2, we have now added support for stereoscopic rendering. You can find more information about it here. The builds can be downloaded from here. Thanks!​
                Aleksandar Kasabov

