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Features missing - that we had in 3.7

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  • Features missing - that we had in 3.7


    I collected some of the features that were available in vray 3.7 but are missing and I think would be very useful in vray 5. I understand that there is a lot do with a new version and a new 3d app to support, but i feel like there are still some elements that are missing.

    Render passes
    • Diffuse filter or RAW diffuse filter - (the current diffuse filter is not "raw" it contains reflection or lighting details. This would be really useful for back to beauty compositing or full shader rebuild in post)
    • UV pass - usefull for adding details in post
    • vray samplerinfo - tons of use in post as i imagine it would have the same options as in 3ds max
    • vray point position - same

    • rayswitch material
    • softbox shader
    • stencil
    • multiprojection
    • random selection
    • uvw tag manager - multiple uv channels are a must for advanced texturing, C4D has been horrible with this and it is a pain to do any kind of texturing. I was so happy that it could be done with vray. Rant: For some reason maxon thinks i'm some kind of lunatic if I want to use a different uv mapping mode for a texture in diffuse, reflection and bump channels of a material... God forbid differen uv channels in a layered material.....
    • reflections set
    • refraction set
    • output wrapper
    • osl material
    • switch material
    • volume material
    • vray shader instance

    • team render - i know its on the planned feature list, but still it would be really great quality of life improvement and it would allow a really flexible and robust day to day working experience

    Commands, scripts add-ons I miss:
    • convert bitmaps
    • remove duplicate materials
    • random mtid color
    • make render instance
    • Dome light viewer
    • Light lister or light manager interface
    • camera lister
    • vray texture manager
    • material filter

    Render masks
    • objects, objectid

    Render settings:
    • c4d expert view - to be fair i don't know if it's needed but i feel like i have less options to optimize

    All the best,

  • #2
    uvw tag manager, to get it back would be great… but I don‘t believe this will happen…


    • #3
      Hello ezleszeken,

      Many of the features, listed in your post are on our to-do list and will be implemented in the future. Some of those features (such as render masks and light lister) will be coming soon.

      We are aware of the features in V-Ray 3.7, that are currently missing in V-Ray 5 for Cinema4D. However, some of those features won't make their way back as they are deprecated.

      Keep in mind that the materials and shaders could take more time to be implemented, as we are also aiming to support them in the node editor. As the node materials and the classic materials are two separate developments, we want them to share the same code as much as possible.

      You can keep an eye on V-Ray 5 for Cinema 4D - planned features to get an idea of what our plans are in terms of the feature roadmap. This thread is regularly updated.
      Aleksandar Kasabov

