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Frame per Node with Distributed Renedering

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  • #16
    Ah, I see. This may be due to the network speed. With this large output format, it simply takes a very long time to convert the B3D files into the original JPG format. thank you!

    Nevertheless, I would love it if there was a per frame DR of Chaos Vray. Teamrender is very unstable with us. It would be enough if it would only work via a command line.

    Also, for some unknown reason, rendering takes much longer than if I just run it on a single machine.
    Last edited by Doger; 23-05-2024, 08:40 AM.


    • #17
      haniel1107 Sorry i missed the notifications. all our machines are connected to a shared file server.
      we use the vray output system. there is no need to enable the multipass elements in c4d. the vray output system will save all your render elements.​ i highly recommend using the vray output system.
      if the team rendering takes longer, it could be an issue with the asset transfer ( as it takes to long), but generally it should be faster.

      you can also use the distributed rendering like this. the only downside is that you wont have a separate rgb beauty element saved from the c4d output system this way. as the vray vfb cant save it out.

      in both cases you can include or exclude your machine from the render job, and continue working on other things.

      I hope this answered your question.


      • #18
        Hi akos_kiss, Doger was asking, not me, but honestly interesting how you do it. I Think I will try it your way. Thanks!!


        • #19
          my bad! i got mixed up a bit if any of you have any further questions feel free to ask


          • #20
            How can you use the VRay Output System with Teamrender?
            I had read here that it doesn't work together.​


            • #21
              Hi Doger

              We mainly use the c4d beauty files for previews, because we save the files from the v-ray output system as multichannel exr-s. But these are slower to work with for simple previews and edits.

              1. you have to name the "regular" beauty image different from the one you will use for for the v-ray output system
              2. have to disable c4d -s multi-pass output system
              3. you have to add a Current frame token $frame to the vray output system file name. Otherwise it will overwrite each rendered frame with the current one. most of the time we add "multipass", MC or MP or something similar to the file names of the v-ray output system. just to make them a bit easier to find in a folder. (these few letters are missing from the screengrab i've attached)

              V-ray will warn you that saving both the regular beauty and the v-ray output system images can cause issues but it wont.
              We add the files to the render queue and render with team render.
              I attached an image for the setup we use. keep in mind when using the render queue doesn't accept "relative paths" with tokens so if you use relative paths you have to replace the save location with the absolute save location you want to use.

              Click image for larger version

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