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Ocean shader

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bazuka View Post
    well a lots of thing ,

    u cant make choppy waves,
    patch resolution, loosing details when u close up to ocean surface
    I don't understand this statement at all, can you explain in more detail what do you mean?
    VRayWater has choppiness, patch resolution, it is missing the small waves filtering one (but I doubt it make a difference in your scene).

    Originally posted by bazuka View Post
    here is a source code i think its easier to take a look of all the parameters u have in HOT
    its free for usage as far as i know...
    I've the source of HOT and it is not usable directly in VRay, because GPL is very restrictive license.

    p.s. please use vray2.0 beta 2/3 because there are some improvements in the VRayWater and choppiness.
    V-Ray developer


    • #32
      about the GPL could u make as a free plugin so every1 could dl if they need, u dont have to directly implement into vray...

      let me make some sample and ull see im using vray 2.002


      im a little confused with the vray_water settings, could u plz explain them coz im not sure for some what they actually do and im not sure i can control the wave as i can do with HOT
      Last edited by bazuka; 21-04-2011, 10:50 AM.


      • #33
        hi petrov,

        could any1 plz post some basic info on the vray_water node, coz i cant control anything

        best regards


        • #34

          Have you lowered the wind magnitude to something like 15? The default in beta2 is 800, I think, which is too much.

          "Height multiplier" is equivalent to "Wave Height" in HOT;
          "Resolution" in HOT is specified with the power of 2, but is the same in both;
          "Patch size" is similar to the "Size" attribute, but you should modify the Repeat U/V of the placement node to get the same effect;
          "Choppy multiplier" - controls the choppiness, should be the same as HOT's "Choppiness" (the values are different, thought);
          "Rate" - controls the speed of the animation;
          "Seed" - seed for the random generator. VRayWater and HOT use different generators, so you can't expect to have exactly the same results;
          "Wind direction" waves perpendicular to the direction (relative to the UV space) are removed;
          "Wind magnitude" - "Wind speed" in HOT;
          "Wind direction multiplier" - controls the effect of the wind direction. The values are from 0.0 to 1.0 (0.0 means direction is ignored);

          Hope it helps
          V-Ray developer


          • #35
            Also try beta3.
            There is a little fix related to the choppiness there.
            V-Ray developer


            • #36
              thx for quick reply, im using beta3

              im going to try now...


              • #37

                Are there any way to control wave height with a texture? I want some calm patches in my ocean. I tested with a ramp texture on the Height multiplyer, did't work.
                I tested with a ramp texture inbetween VrayWater and the displacement node, did't work. I tried a bunch of other stuff but nothing worked. Any ideas?



                • #38
                  I had the same question some weeks before.

                  this was the answer from t.petrov and it helps.

                  Have you tried to use Multiply/Divide node between the Displacement and VRayWater?
                  I've tried it with Checker texture and it seems to work. What I've done is connected the VRayWater texture to input1 and the Checker.outputB to multDivide.input2Z.
                  multDivide.input2X and multDivide.input2Y should be 1.
                  I think you can use a noise texture, too.

                  Keep in mind that Vector displacement is a bit unintuitive, because for x and y the middle (0.0) is actually 0.5.

                  Hope it helps, if anything is unclear feel free to ask
                  Vray 3.5, Win10


                  • #39
                    Here is the whole thread:
                    V-Ray developer


                    • #40

                      But I can't get it to work. I used Bazukas water_tex as a starting point and that one dont use vector displacement output from VRaywater.
                      When I try to connect it with vector displacement it dont work anymore. Could you attach a simple plane widh VRaywater so I can see how the connections are made.

                      Probably its just me beeing stupid as usual...



                      • #41
                        No, scene but detailed steps:

                        1. choose the shading group
                        2. click on the checker button for connecting a displacement shader
                        3. choose multiply/divide node
                        4. open hyper shade
                        5. connect a checker to input 1
                        6. connect vraywater to input 2
                        7. set color1 in the checker to (0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
                        8. set color2 in the checker to (0.5, 0.5, 1.0)
                        9. choose the shape and change the displacement type to vector displacement

                        note1: you don't need a displamentShader node
                        note2: to control the hight of the checker just change the blue color values
                        note3: I'm attaching an image from the hypershade
                        Attached Files
                        V-Ray developer


                        • #42
                          Thanks a bunch! It works now!



                          • #43
                            Hi there,

                            does anyone have a solution for something like the Dynamic Buoy that Maya's Ocean has,
                            so I could have a boat on the V-Ray Water that interacts with the waves?


                            • #44
                              Hi all,
                              We will start a new production and we must to do a big ocean with boats, etc etc..
                              We tested the VrayWater but it looks like there is no all features like the HOT like the wind align, damp reflection waves, shortest wave, etc etc...
                              So, do you have some plans about this ?


                              • #45
                                Nope, however since HOT is open source, a good soul could recompile it for V-Ray. We will probably get to it ourselves at some point, but I can't say for the moment when. Another option is of course to bake everything to geometry.

                                Best regards,
                                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

