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Universal Settings scene.

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  • Universal Settings scene.


    I keep reading and reading about it. I also went over few "tutorials" and tips from users on forum as to how to set it up but on all occasions I failed.

    Could some1 be so kind and post for me a maya scene with it set up please?
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

  • #2
    Here you go. Once the scene is set up in this way, you can use the noise threshold for the "Adaptive" sampler to control the quality (and the light cache subdivs, if needed).

    Best regards,
    Attached Files
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks Vlado !

      you can use the noise threshold for the "Adaptive" sampler to control the quality
      So do you mean AA Adaptive DMC Threshold or DMC Sampler threshold ?

      And am I right that I should not increase any of the material/lights/etc samples right? Just threshold? And that I can control AA threshold separately to fine tune AA/edges right? OR should that be "Lock Threshold to dmc sampler threshold" on ?

      I'm pretty much re-asking what I think I read in past but I'm not sure if that's 100% correct tbh.

      Here is a render with dmc sampler threshold set to 0.0001... I must be doing something wrong because it took long to render and its noisy :- (
      Click image for larger version

Name:	univ_settings.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	68.1 KB
ID:	852244
      CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal) View Post
        So do you mean AA Adaptive DMC Threshold or DMC Sampler threshold ?
        The one in the image sampler section.

        And am I right that I should not increase any of the material/lights/etc samples right? Just threshold? And that I can control AA threshold separately to fine tune AA/edges right? OR should that be "Lock Threshold to dmc sampler threshold" on ?
        Don't touch anything else.

        Here is a render with dmc sampler threshold set to 0.0001... I must be doing something wrong because it took long to render and its noisy :- (
        You have double gamma on your image - it makes it look a lot noisier than it actually is.

        Btw this was done with the latest 3.0 nightly build; if you used an older build, it might not come out quite right (there were some changes in the color mapping settings).

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Oh yea crap the double gamma has me . I just rendered ur scene straight away. So now that confuses me !
          Proper gamma workflow - jezus I cant believe I'm asking for this...

          Save as EXR
          VFB = Display color in SRGB space
          Color mapping
          Gamma 2.2
          Dont affect colors, only adaption.

          Incoming textures any 16/8 bit enably vray gamma in file node.

          Is this correct or I'm wrong?

          I've also updated vray to today's version
          Last edited by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal); 25-06-2014, 10:01 AM.
          CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

 - come and look


          • #6
            Hmm, the today's 3.0 builds do not have the "Don't affect colors" option; it has been renamed to "Mode" and its default value is "Color mapping only, no gamma". I just verified and it saves correctly an .exr file that looks fine.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Vlado, using these settings are you putting gamma correct nodes on your shaders for straight diffuse colors (not derived from external images) when rendering with V-Ray for Maya? Why or why not?


              • #8
                Originally posted by drew_almighty View Post
                Vlado, using these settings are you putting gamma correct nodes on your shaders for straight diffuse colors (not derived from external images) when rendering with V-Ray for Maya? Why or why not?
                Eh, do we have to get into that The universal settings as such have nothing to do with the gamma workflow, they are just for image sampling. In general, the gamma nodes will slow down the rendering - they take a bit of time to compute even for a solid color, so I would avoid using them even if only for that reason. I hope that Maya will implement a better color management solution soon.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  Sorry, I just saw the linear workflow post above and wanted to cover all the bases. Thanks for the feedback.


                  • #10
                    Just use in file node the extra vray attribute to correct your gamma. Dont use the mayas gama node thini. None the less back to topic.

                    I had to roll back to 2.4 for a while and over ther it seem to work very well. Actually I'm quite stunned how good it works and how well it scales from 1k resolution all the way up to 8k. Before I had to redo a lot of materials as the render ended up being 24h long where my expectations vere 20 min. None the less need more testing but so far, well curse me for being old fashion and trying to control all settings :/
                    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

           - come and look


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal) View Post
                      Just use in file node the extra vray attribute to correct your gamma. Dont use the mayas gama node thini..../
                      I do use this for image files but you can't do this for colors set directly in the diffuse swatch. Not trying to threadjack, just sayin....


                      • #12
                        Is there a file like the one Vlado attached but for MAX?
                        I'm sorry if there is one in the forum but I don't know how to search for it.

                        Edit: Oh, this is Maya only forum. Sorry!
                        Last edited by Lupaz; 27-06-2014, 07:45 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by drew_almighty View Post
                          I do use this for image files but you can't do this for colors set directly in the diffuse swatch. Not trying to threadjack, just sayin....
                          For flat colors there should be vray node called VRayUserColor. It should give you the right gamma accurate colour.

                          You also have VRayUserScalar for alphas.
                          CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

                 - come and look


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal) View Post
                            For flat colors there should be vray node called VRayUserColor. It should give you the right gamma accurate colour.

                            You also have VRayUserScalar for alphas.
                            VRayUserColor is not for this. It does not give you the right gamma, this is wrong.
                            If you want the good and optimized color , create a color correct node from VRay texture, set your color, set the gamma to 2.2 (not exactly srgb but...). Now set the same color into your material color (diffuse color, spec color...) from the swatch of your color correct (the swatch is gamma corrected).
                            Delete the color correct. Done.


                            • #15
                              Ok back to Universal sampling topic...

                              I did some hi res tests and so on. All and all I can say that I'm quite impressed. Works very well with scalability from 1k prev to 8k final render.

                              The problems I run in to are:
                              1. Utilities. When I try to get diffuse pass and refl_Filter pass. They are very noisy and bad. I have to jank up min AA to 5 to render them smooth. Is that a proper workflow?
                              2. Is there a way to control quality per err type? Atm we have AA threshold which control all but can I somehow control quality of Lights separately to one on reflections and refractions? I find that most of my tests produce acceptable light source BUT reflection pass is about 50% below where I need it to be.

                              So for point 2 should I just increase materials refl glossy samples to 16 which would double in effect their quality in final render? Would that work?

                              No GI tests so far so no comment on that.
                              CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

                     - come and look

