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Displacement issue

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  • Displacement issue

    Hi, we are trying to tweak a 3D tree with some materials and some of them with displacement map.
    In vray attributes if we want to add more displacement amount it affects the whole object, even if other materials doesnt have displacement map.
    That is not the way 3Dmax handle displacement.
    Is there any way in Maya to get different amount of displacement for the same object with different materials aplied.
    Or even easier, is there any way if we have only one material with displace to raise up the amount withut getting the whole object to be deform?
    Thank you.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Witt3D View Post
    Is there any way in Maya to get different amount of displacement for the same object with different materials aplied.
    Not sure if you can the regular way, need to test a bit. It could be done by manipulating the texture values, though.

    Originally posted by Witt3D View Post
    Or even easier, is there any way if we have only one material with displace to raise up the amount withut getting the whole object to be deform?
    Thank you.
    This you can: You need to use the native Displacement Mat. so that the displacement is on a per-material basis. You plug in the shading group's displacement slot but control it through V-Ray displacement control (attribute is added in the object's shape menu). Attaching a sample scene.
    Attached Files
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Nice sample setup Aleks.
      Thank you.


      • #4
        Hi Aleksandar, but not at all here.
        See attached. If you leave displacement amount to 1.0, it seems to work, cause displacement is really brief to everything applied. If you increase the amount, the entire object is deformed as seen in the image, even if only the displacement is applied to the trunk material, using native nodes as we always do here
        In fact, it should just have to increase the geometry that affecfts the trunk, as just this material is the only one that has displacement applied, like it just happens with 3D max if you have "use object mtl" check on
        About same geometry with different displacement shaders applied, obviously you can tweak different displacement amount tweaking textures intensity, but it isnĀ“t a proper way. As shown also on the attached pictures, native displacement node in Maya has a variable that it is called "Scale", this should do the trick instead.
        So if we add displacement attributes to a geometry, and then give a certain amount of displacement to the entire geometry, when multiple displacement parameters are applied, we should have the possibility to modify the different amount of displacement of the different shaders with the value " Scale". Right now, in Maya we can't do it properly. Has no sense.

        PD: As shown on the attached picture DSP_003, when we increase displacement amount, branches, leaves,.. and the whole geometry get deform also.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Send the scene.
          Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


          • #6
            Already sended: #249322

            Test image of the scene, as you can see even DSP with amount set to 1.0 deforms sightly the whole geomtry, branches, leaves, everything even they dont have DSP maps.
            If we increase the amount value the deformation is more obvious.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              This is another issue I've forgotten about. The displacement's value parameter affects only the chosen shader, however, the Shift parameter always affects the whole object. It's already logged (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-14014). Check this thread about it; some people have suggested workarounds. Also, here's a Gif comparison between Displacement Value 0 and 10, proving that the displacement value works as intended.
              Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us

