I am getting this error frequently ( after between 6 and 12 renders ) with vray 3.402 on Windows 10, Maya 2016.5
'// Error: V-Ray : Fatal error freeing exporter memory.'
It either happens mid-render, causing it to stop. I then have to restart Maya to continue rendering. Other times it happens straight after the render has finished.
It isnt particularly consistent what im doing when it happens. Ive noticed during ptex baking and general lighting adjustments/rendering.
Most of the meshes are subdivided with OSD, but I do have a limit set ( 6 ) on the number of subdivisions from the settings panel and all of the OSD attributes are set to a depth of 3 on Catmull-Clark. Therefore It shouldnt be too heavy geometry wise as its usually only a single character, with no displacement.
Hopefully this is helpful information.
I am getting this error frequently ( after between 6 and 12 renders ) with vray 3.402 on Windows 10, Maya 2016.5
'// Error: V-Ray : Fatal error freeing exporter memory.'
It either happens mid-render, causing it to stop. I then have to restart Maya to continue rendering. Other times it happens straight after the render has finished.
It isnt particularly consistent what im doing when it happens. Ive noticed during ptex baking and general lighting adjustments/rendering.
Most of the meshes are subdivided with OSD, but I do have a limit set ( 6 ) on the number of subdivisions from the settings panel and all of the OSD attributes are set to a depth of 3 on Catmull-Clark. Therefore It shouldnt be too heavy geometry wise as its usually only a single character, with no displacement.
Hopefully this is helpful information.