Revit is a really special software, furthermore it's hugely popular. It's not perfect thought; for example the render camera placement is terribly gimped.
Since there's no other way to place a camera in Revit; this basic functioanlity essentailly cripples the usefulness of v-Ray.
We need to be able to move the camera from within the V-Ray buffer.
To my mind this necessarily involves RT enhanced with Panning, orbiting and rotating.
Since there's no other way to place a camera in Revit; this basic functioanlity essentailly cripples the usefulness of v-Ray.
I know fully well that in all other instances of v-Ray the camera placement/pointing is tied to the modelling software; I don't make this request lightly.
We need to be able to move the camera from within the V-Ray buffer.
To my mind this necessarily involves RT enhanced with Panning, orbiting and rotating.