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Michas Wishlist

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  • Michas Wishlist

    Is it possible to add a vignetting option for the camera? I don't know Vray support it. - visualization for designer and architects


    • Michas Wishlist

      I'm not sure off-hand if V-Ray supports vignetting. I'll add it to my list of things to look into though
      Best regards,
      Joe Bacigalupa

      Chaos Group


      • Michas Wishlist

        Joe, I have written my personal wishes from the thread in a compact list at the beginning of the thread at page 1 now. I would be happy, if you could read it from time to time, maybe you say, it's time for some of it now.

        Yesterday I have asked the McNeel team for a "frontal camera" texture projection type again -> answer: no planed. From Rhinoman I know, this can be done per render engine much easier. What do you think? It's a powerful feature for nice effects.
        (old question posted at the bottom of page 5 )

        Thank you for your hard work. - visualization for designer and architects


        • Michas Wishlist

          No harm in asking. We're still in the planning stages for our first SR so I'll toss any ideas around that anyone has.
          Best regards,
          Joe Bacigalupa

          Chaos Group


          • Michas Wishlist

            this is really a long list....


            • Michas Wishlist

     - visualization for designer and architects


              • Michas Wishlist

                Originally posted by joeb
                No harm in asking. We're still in the planning stages for our first SR so I'll toss any ideas around that anyone has.
                just to be sure, the SR will be free or not ?
                Thank you...
                Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


                • Michas Wishlist

                  Originally posted by Micha
                  Is it possible to add a vignetting option for the camera? I don't know Vray support it.
                  I've noticed Vray 1.5 rc2 has this...
                  You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                  • Michas Wishlist

                    Ok - I'll ask Vlado what we would need to do to bring it to VfR. Thanks
                    Best regards,
                    Joe Bacigalupa

                    Chaos Group


                    • Michas Wishlist

                      + ... render only channels (for example: sometimes I need a alpha channel only)
                      + ... minimize progress window so that the bar, the cancel button and message above is visible only
             - visualization for designer and architects


                      • Michas Wishlist

                        + ... the emitter layer could be placed below the reflection layer. Example: lighted display with a plastic coating.

                        + ... Special wish for Vlado: render selected objects. I would like to select an object and Vray set the buckets so, that the object will be rendered. Example: I render a machine and change the metal material of some parts from steel to aluminium. I would be happy I could select all metal objects and render the scene again, but the buckets follow the metal objects only. (in the frame buffer is the previous rendered steel version and the buckets with the aluminium will be updated)
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • Michas Wishlist

                          + ... "Export scene materials" at the right mouse button options of the material editor at "scene materials". I think, it should not be so much work to implement it. An other nice option could be, if the user could select several materials per Mouse click + Shift and than export selected materials.
                 - visualization for designer and architects


                          • Michas Wishlist

                            + ... a "copy to clipboard" button at the framebuffer as shortcut to photoshop. Best, if 8bit and 32bit would be supported. The AIR framebuffer suppoert this little feature and I have used it often.
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • Michas Wishlist

                              + ... I have a mesh object and want to set up a brushed metal. I find no way to swap the uv coordinates. It could be nice to get a "swap" option at the material.
                     - visualization for designer and architects


                              • Michas Wishlist

                                Originally posted by Micha
                                + ... I have a mesh object and want to set up a brushed metal. I find no way to swap the uv coordinates. It could be nice to get a "swap" option at the material.
                                Exchanging the UVs is an RCM/Object operation - I don't know that it would be a material operation.

                                Or do you mean just changing which UVWs a texture is referencing?
                                Best regards,
                                Joe Bacigalupa

                                Chaos Group

