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I'm tired of vray gpu, 5.21 the new hotfix isnt working

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  • I'm tired of vray gpu, 5.21 the new hotfix isnt working

    Hi guys
    Since i'm only wasting My time trying the update 2, vray gpu didnt work, update 2 hotfix 1 is still the same... Very tired of vray gpu, very tired to try a software that doesnt work... So right now i'm only interested in the new materials can You bring this materials to chaos cosmos with out installing update 2... Vram seems a very serius problem with vray gpu...

    I tried in the morning the new hotfix with the same result... Didnt work with Big or medium scenes, this update is only for vray users not vray gpu. Sorry to Say that... But still very disappointed with this new hotfix... Is taking so much vram, is the same than update 2, update 1 hotfix 5 is great, i can render what ever i want... Update 2 is a sad history


  • #2
    Hi luisgamino2 ,

    I'm sorry to hear you have such a bad experience with the update 2 (and 2.1).
    (I've also been following the other vram related thread -

    The GPU team has put a lot of work in this update actually.
    All the new features like the new translucency modes as well as the decal are working on GPU out of the box.
    The GPU light cache was a huge undertaking which finally made it in.

    The hotfix also addresses some of the more outstanding GPU related issues:
    • An issue causing a memory leak with GPU Light Cache is resolved
    • An issue leading to a crash in specific situations when a Cryptomatte render element is used in a project is resolved
    • A number of interactive update issues caused by the new SSS and Volumetric translucency modes of the VRay Mtl are resolved
    • An issue preventing Light Mix from working correctly on GPU when the camera Auto Exposure is also enabled is resolved
    The problem you are experiencing though is possibly caused by the fact that the new Light Cache is increasing the memory consumption.
    This is something the GPU team will look into and optimize as much as possible.

    There are a number of known GPU issues that we will be fixing in future updates (we just didn't have stable solutions in time for the hotfix):
    • Decals render incorrectly when On-demand Mipmapping is enabled in some situations
    • A couple of other crashes caused by the On-demand Mipmapping need to be fixed
    • The initial kernel compilation is taking too much time
    • A couple of memory related optimizations still have to be done
    • etc.
    Thank you very much for taking the time to give us feedback!
    It would be great if you can share a couple of projects that you're struggling with (if you haven't done so already).
    The more examples we have, the better.
    The 5.1 scene files would be great since we want to compare the vram consumption between the two versions.

    Thank you in advance,


    • #3
      Hi Konstantin
      I Understand that this issues is because the new light cache, since vray gpu from 3.6 to 5.1 light cache always was calculated with cpu never with gpu, with 5.2 vray gpu is calculated always with gpu, thats why vray gpu users suffers right now, since this is a new method for vray gpu to work is lógic that this is the problem.
      vray gpu takes a new bunch of vram, almost 1.5 gb when is almost loading light cache, this didnt happen with update 1 because this was the old behaviur, so for me vray gpu light cache with gpu works but only if You have a 3090 or RTX Titan with 24 GB both, i tried small scenes really smalls scenes and worked... But vray team needs to adressed this issues, vray gpu with light cache with gpu is not ready, i understand this was a major change, a huge change so thats why is not ready, i believe vray gpu with light cache calculated with gpu is a great tool, but is not finished it needs to be polished, vray gpu light cache for 3d max came in middle of february, but not finished, update 2 is ready to use with 3d max because You had a Lot of time to work.

      I appreciated the effort with the new sss materials, new chaos cosmos material, thin walled refraction, a long with other improvements.

      So don't worry Konstantin, i know vray gpu users for vray gpu for sketchup are going to enjoy this new technology, but needs more work, is not finished, please tell vray gpu engineers that vray gpu with update 2 hotfix is not working and needs to be adressed. Also is more important to have this option available for production rendering rather than interactive render.

      So please fix the new issues of vram... Take your time Even if it needs months, but make vray gpu stable and reliable.Im going to use update 1 for a long time so You have time to work with these new issues... Is better to wait a little bit more to get a real software that really works

      Thanks Konstantin
      Best regards


      • #4
        You can try this method. We judged that the cause of the V-ray GPU error is incompatibility with the old version settings. Just drag the quality setting slider to any preset to solve it.


        • #5
          Hi Jiang Zhicheng
          I Think is not about settings is about vram, i did many test with update 2 and is only working for smalls scenes, i don't know why changing these parámeters vray gpu works, but thanks for the advice, with hotfix 1 My workstation doesnt crash so heavy, i can't render Even with hotfix 1 but at least i can cancel the render before it crashes sketchup, may i ask You... What gpu do You have?? and Also do you render with cpu or gpu??
          Vray works fine the problem is vray gpu since right now vray gpu is calculated always with light cache with gpu, these new aproach i'm sure is the cause of the new problems.

          I would like to use the new sss material and the new cosmos material but is the same My workstation is going to crash, so i prefer update 1 with hotfix 5, this works fine with me, i don't know if i can use update 2 with the old behaviur with vray gpu so i can enjoy the new improvements.

          I don't know what is going to happen Jiang Zhicheng, vray gpu needs more serius work, i was expecting so much these update but... I only get crashes, and Also i don't like install new update, the update 1 then nightly build and then return to update 2 i think is better vray gpu takes this issues very serius and work hard in these subject, vram is so important jiang Zhicheng

          I hope at least enjoy some chaos cosmos materials i really like 4 or 5 materials from update 2, i hope i can use these materials with out using update 2.

          Best regards Jiang Zhicheng and thanks for the advice


          • #6
            I am using RTX 3080. Both CUDA and RTX have tested the output with resolutions exceeding 4K. The above method can effectively solve the Vray GPU crash problem.


            • #7
              Hi Jiang Zhicheng
              I think is better than chaos group team talk about this, they are who work on vray gpu, i use 2 2080ti with nvlink, but i would really like using the chaos cosmos materials... and not every material just 4 or 5 that i liked...


