Hi guys
Since i'm only wasting My time trying the update 2, vray gpu didnt work, update 2 hotfix 1 is still the same... Very tired of vray gpu, very tired to try a software that doesnt work... So right now i'm only interested in the new materials can You bring this materials to chaos cosmos with out installing update 2... Vram seems a very serius problem with vray gpu...
I tried in the morning the new hotfix with the same result... Didnt work with Big or medium scenes, this update is only for vray users not vray gpu. Sorry to Say that... But still very disappointed with this new hotfix... Is taking so much vram, is the same than update 2, update 1 hotfix 5 is great, i can render what ever i want... Update 2 is a sad history
Since i'm only wasting My time trying the update 2, vray gpu didnt work, update 2 hotfix 1 is still the same... Very tired of vray gpu, very tired to try a software that doesnt work... So right now i'm only interested in the new materials can You bring this materials to chaos cosmos with out installing update 2... Vram seems a very serius problem with vray gpu...
I tried in the morning the new hotfix with the same result... Didnt work with Big or medium scenes, this update is only for vray users not vray gpu. Sorry to Say that... But still very disappointed with this new hotfix... Is taking so much vram, is the same than update 2, update 1 hotfix 5 is great, i can render what ever i want... Update 2 is a sad history