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Vray 6... Bring something to invert the green channel with normal maps inside material editor

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  • Vray 6... Bring something to invert the green channel with normal maps inside material editor

    Hi Konstantin

    As we talked while vray 6 beta was in the developing please dont forget that most of the time materials that you bought from a internet site sometimes the normal map does not came as it is, as we talked we need something like a texture or something or inside the material so we can invert the green channel.

    I would really like that when you load a normal map the vray material editor give us the posibility to invert the green channel, almost all the time this channel have to be inverted to get a real material and a nice normal map.

    Right now almost all the materials from any kind of web site bring the normal maps along with the diffuse map, the bump map and the reflection map and sometimes the oclussion map. So we need a tool to invert the green channel and of course do nice renders with vray or vray gpu.

    Thanks again
    Last edited by luisgamino2; 28-11-2022, 10:08 PM.

  • #2
    Right now im doing a test...ahhh wauuu what great difference!!!

    Inverting the green with photoshop and saving again the New map works as it should be... it takes times and more effort and also you have to have licence with photoshop but not all the People have photoshop and if this can be done inside the vray material well that could be really fantastic, so fast, without cost and very práctical just tick or untick the green channel and that is all.

    Konstantin this is a real issue that needs to be adressed because new vray users probably dont have a clue with this and they simple dont know that their materials are looking wrong, because or dont have the tool to invert the green channel or simple dont know they have to do that.

    Learning a software is not easy, i have been using vray for years and i still learning sometimes something new

    I was doing some renders and i always have the same question why the normal maps looks so different than the bump map and the displaccement map.

    Finally understood that...Thanks to Adan Martin!!!

    Materials looks so much better!!!


    • #3
      With vray for 3d max they already have this...and for so Long time ago, while vray for sketchup never, never have this options.

      Really makes me sad and mad at the same time... why this is happening just with vray for sketchup, why...??? just the basic always!!!i really hate that, if with vray for 3d max you brought that tool with many years ago and is something that has to be done with vray for sketchup and rhyno just to put and example... why didnt you find a time to implement that with vray for sketchup.

      This is not fair Konstantin... seems vray for sketchup for kids and vray for 3d max and maya for adults and professionals.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	20221128_234225~2.jpg
Views:	587
Size:	1.34 MB
ID:	1166460 There are no pretexts!!! This is from the chaos group Page!!! Here is the evidence that vray for 3d max and maya is miles away than vray for sketchup, as always a really sad story that makes me mad.
      Really, really a big dissapointed here... we are architecs Konstantin, we are not kids, so please bring a more profesional software... Why this is always happening, i really hate that.

      Thanks and dont forget that we are your clients too (vray for sketchup) not just simple vray for 3d max users and vray for maya users.


      • #4
        Hi luisgamino2​,

        The main reason for the additional options in 3ds Max was that the normal maps are treated differently there (in Max).
        Most standard normal maps have to have their green channel inverted in 3ds Max to work correctly.
        This is however not the case in V-Ray for SketchUp (as well as in V-Ray for Rhino, Revit, Maya, Cinema 4D, etc.).
        This is why the options are also not there by default...

        In any case if you want to add a TexNormalMapFlip in SketchUp, you can still do it.
        Just open this .vrmat in the asset editor and connect it in-between the material and the Normal Map texture -



        • #5
          Hi Konstantin

          Thanks for the texnormalmap it is going to be really usefull, almost 90% of my materials that have normal map the green channel is wrong and i have to inverted.

          Im going to upload the results in some hours, some objects with normal map as they are without changenging the green channel and the same object with normal map with green channel inverted.

          I believe this experiment is going to be usefull for all the comunity.


          • #6
            Hi Konstantin

            Here again, this is the first test

            Click image for larger version  Name:	20221129_111134~2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	1.63 MB ID:	1166571 Vray for sketchup didnt change automátically the normal map it tooks as it comes.

            So we really have to invert the green channel.

            The right fabric is with normal map as it is without inverted the green channel.

            The left part is fabric with normal map green channel inverted.

            In both i increased the normal map to .5 too much but i did because i need to see how it works, normally is smaller than .5

            But as you can see left part looks better, more softness the right looks too rough.

            For me the left part looks more realistic as they are fabrics.

            Im going to upload more furniture.

            But is better to invert the green channel

            Click image for larger version  Name:	20221129_111107~3.jpg Views:	0 Size:	2.00 MB ID:	1166572 the same example but this is the rgb, left part normal green channel inverted, right normal map as it is without the inverted green channel.

            Left looks more natural to eyes, right looks unnatural, so rough.

            This is important for a close up render, even if you are not very near from the furniture, texture looks different with or without inverted green channel

            Last edited by luisgamino2; 29-11-2022, 10:50 AM.


            • #7
              Another example

              Click image for larger version  Name:	20221129_151738~3.jpg Views:	0 Size:	1.71 MB ID:	1166590 left normal map without invert green channel of normal map, right normal map inverted the green channel.

              The right does not have the kind of Tiny holes that the left already has.

              Vray did not change automatically it took as it comes again, so invert the green chanhel is necessary, right now im doing it with the notmalmaptex that you give me Konstantin it works, but the render region does not lie to anyone... the green channel has to be inverted in order to get a nice normal map.


              • #8
                Another example

                Click image for larger version

Name:	20221129_155753~2.jpg
Views:	535
Size:	1.67 MB
ID:	1166596 normal as it is without invert green channel

                Click image for larger version

Name:	20221129_155806~2.jpg
Views:	530
Size:	918.0 KB
ID:	1166597 normal map with green channel inverted

                No single question!!!

                This textnormalmap is neccesary because vray for sketchup does not invert automatically the green channel it takes as it comes.

                Finally i could do this test.

                Also Konstantin reflections and speculars really look as they should be, more accurate and as it as real life.


                • #9
                  As I mentioned earlier it depends on the normal map texture.
                  Some textures need to have their green channel inverted, others don't.
                  In my experience the flip is rarely needed for normal maps from online material libraries.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by luisgamino2 View Post
                    So we need a tool to invert the green channel and of course do nice renders with vray or vray gpu.
                    Does this not work in the rewire channels section of the color correction node?

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 8.51.44 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	74.6 KB ID:	1171092

