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Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

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  • Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

    Originally posted by Jean-Paul Paloux
    Subdv of 90 is pretty high in Rhino ! Also much longer to render.
    For good result we usually increase the SAMPLES (for us it's the setting next to the subdiv). from 32 to 64. 128 or 256 for more and more smoothness in the shadows. The subdiv can be increased up to 30, max 50.... but over this I think it's too much.

    This is what I think with my 9 months experiments with Rhino.
    First of all, i'm talking about my little experience with Vray for Max:
    -With VrayLightMtl render is fast than with Vray Light, so we can use higher value with less render time! :P
    -In Irr Map, higher value of HSph Subd give more quality to lights, shadows and reflections too, smaller value give blotchy result.
    -In Irr Map, smaller value of Samples produce more details definition, higher value produce blur result.

    I made a simple test in VrayforMax and in VrayforSketchUp:
    Maybe in this case the better solution is with Subd 60 and Samp 64, ....but scenes are always different...

    PS: I've used exactly the same values in materials and render options, but quality and speed in Max are alot better!

  • #2
    Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

    Originally posted by ALTO
    PS: I've used exactly the same values in materials and render options, but quality and speed in Max are alot better!


    Then i'd better skip the sketchup plugin and start learning 3Dmax again.
    Could one of the developers shine a light on a possible quality difference between the two vray versions?

    If the vray core is the same for both, why would there be a quality difference?
    Is it because sketchup by default reduces the dpi of the used textures?

    This is very important to know....



    • #3
      Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

      I am pretty sure that it's not SketchUp, 3ds Max, or V-Ray itself that is causing a difference. But one never knows...

      If the scenes are posted I will be glad to give you a reason for the quality difference.
      ALTO- please psot both of your scenes at


      Best regards,

      Corey Rubadue

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

        Ok i send you both of my scenes, in my test i've used VfSU Beta1 and VfMax rc3 64bit version!


        • #5
          Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

          I did not want to spend too much time on this...however see my results below. I used VfSU beta 2 and Vf3ds max 1.5RC3 and the same 32 bit machine for each of the renderings. The settings were matched pretty much setting for setting. This was not the case with the file that I downloaded. I also used the V-Ray Light material in Vf3ds max and the emitter material in VfSU. As can been seen in photoshop using a difference overlay there is a little difference. However, the scene is not exactly matching. The lights are not in the same place and the camera seems off just a very little.

          There is not enough difference in quality or speed here to say there is a problem by any means. The speed difference I will say is probably due to the fact the V-Ray CORE used in 1.5RC3 is recompiled with the latest intel compiler and the 1.49.79 CORE used in VfSU is not. The merging and prefiltering process for light cache in the VfSU beta 2 build seemed a little slower than in 3ds max. This could cause a little slowdown. We will keep our eye on this.

          Best regards,


          Best regards,

          Corey Rubadue

          Chaos Group


          • #6
            Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

            Ok, thanks for testing, can you send me your modified scenes?
            I really want to know the difference from my settings and yours!



            • #7
              Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

              Originally posted by ALTO
              -In Irr Map, higher value of HSph Subd give more quality to lights, shadows and reflections too, smaller value give blotchy result.
              Hi Alto,
              I saw your test renders and I have to say that you are right !
              The bad news for me is that increasing the subd and not the samples to get soft shadows vs splotchy is taking more time to render. But I like what I see in a 90-20 setup.
              Thanks !
              Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


              • #8
                Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU


                You can download the files from here.

                Best regards,

                Best regards,

                Corey Rubadue

                Chaos Group


                • #9
                  Difference between V-Ray for 3ds max and SU

                  I'm sorry Corey, i've noticed that i've send you wrong files, with really messed up settings!!!

                  But thanks, i saw the REAL error in my test, emitter multipler was lower in SU, 1.5 vs 2!
                  (in beta1 sometimes new values weren't saved, maybe for this.... or maybe it was simply my fault!)

                  Here you can see my mistake:

                  Sorry for the confusion!

