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You should look at this!

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  • #31
    Re: You should look at this!

    hmm ok, so first of all when I do the same steps as you have tried I have different results ...

    "1 applied material in sketchup- render ok" => thats the only step that is the same :P I have applied material to some surface and rescale it and render - the texture was right

    "2 create vray linked material, added bump - render ok " => when I create v ray linked material even without adding the bump render isn't good the texture lost his scale

    ... I have found out that when I make a vraylinked material, the texture appears as weel in the secound side of a surface in different scale ( were before adding vraylinked material there was just the default sketchup material ) ... and more when I do change the scale in this "secound side" it is working and the texture is rendering with scale exacly like I can see in the secounde side ( the first side texture is just not seen in render, on both sides I can see the texture from the secound side ), so I can manage with that problem just useing "revers faces"

    BUT if you know why it is like that I would be very thanful, because that meen i can't have different matterial on the other side ( maybe i have some setting just setup wrong and this are not the settings for vray-linked-matterial in material editor in options "double-sided" because that changes nothing in render )

    Im not sure what file broken meens - do you mean that the links to the bitmaps( bump diffuse etc. ) in vray imported material ( .vismat ) has been wrong and i have to make new links for it ? If that was what you mean by re-establish links I have allready done it before so that's not the problem.

    So, probably the problem is just in the two sided material in render and in SU with the texture appears on the wrong side of a surface - while making the vraylinkedmatterials.


    And thanks for all David, you have allready helped me a lot



    • #32
      Re: You should look at this!


      I tried to recreate the situation you describe, but it doesn't happen for me. But it sounds like you have sorted it out, so alls well that ends well!

      Sketchup 2015
      Vray version 2.00


      • #33
        Re: You should look at this!

        Yeah it's fine now David
        One more question I would like to ask you. When You create in sketchup for example a rectangle and it has default sketchup material what colour You have on top ?
        I have blue on top and white in bottom and thats probably when the problem starts:P
        Do you know how to change that ? :-[ I now it's silly but it produce many problems while creating vray material


        PS or maybe two questions :P
        When you create vray linked material to rectangle can you see in render the texture on the other side as well ( while in sketchup material is apllied just to one side) ?... and is there a possibility to see it while rendering just on the one side like in sketchup?


        • #34
          Re: You should look at this!


          That one is easy! The blue is the back of the material, and the white is the front. In sketchup select the material, then right click for the menu, select 'reverse face' - done!

          Sketchup 2015
          Vray version 2.00


          • #35
            Re: You should look at this!

            Yeah that would solve it, but is it possible to change some settings that I would have it without picking revers side? ( like you have, just on the start )

            PS or maybe two questions Tongue
            When you create vray linked material to rectangle can you see in render the texture on the other side as well ( while in sketchup material is apllied just to one side) ?... and is there a possibility to see it while rendering just on the one side like in sketchup?


            • #36
              Re: You should look at this!

              Could you re-phrase the first question - not sure what you mean.

              Yes, as in sketchup, if you apply material to one or both faces, and they will render the same. Sometimes you will see the blue bits after you have rendered and you realise that the back face has not had a meterial applied to it.
              What I have found though (bug?) is that once you apply a vray material to a face, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. The only way is to apply another vray material in its place.
              The other thing is the vray two sided material. but I haven't used this much so not sure of all the little tricks.
              Sketchup 2015
              Vray version 2.00


              • #37
                Re: You should look at this!

                Mhm I ment that I would like to have white side on top of the rectangle without reversing the side. I woluld like to have it allready on top while creating rectangule.


                • #38
                  Re: You should look at this!

                  Yeh - that happens to me too. But once you push/pull the rectangle you get the 'front' side. It isn't really a problem. And you often have to go in and reverse faces anyway, when you spot them in the model.
                  Sketchup 2015
                  Vray version 2.00


                  • #39
                    Re: You should look at this!

                    OK, thank's for all your time and help you gave me David ;D
                    I hope someday I would revange the favour



                    • #40
                      Re: You should look at this!

                      Yeas , it is obvius that model must be with corectly reversed faces. You try to renember this rule while you are modeling your scene. Everything will be ok, if normals is corectly placed in your model!


                      • #41
                        Re: You should look at this!

                        Thank's I will remember that for sure because I have been fighting that for weeks and it did cost me many problems :-[
                        Like David said "alls well that ends well"

