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quick product feature sense-check before proposing

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  • quick product feature sense-check before proposing

    I have a client who wishes a "vr version" of some stylised promotional material we have done. the stuff uses a specific treatment which is based on a style guide from client.

    I have explained that it probably wont be possible to match the look 100%, either in vr panoramas or realtime VR.

    in any case id like to try exporting a scene to unreal via vray and see how it copes translating the scene into unreal shaders. i dont hold up much hope as the shading setup is simple, but non standard.

    i saw the "supported features" list, but its quite difficult to interpret never having used unreal.

    our setup has no lights in it.. scene makes extensive use of vraylightmaterial/self illumination, mapped with falloff maps and screen-mapped textures. it also used vraytoon environment effect.

    im guessing vraytoon i can forget about as a simple translation.... but the rest?

  • #2
    Hi super gnu,

    VRayLightMaterial, Self-Illumination are supported including falloff maps but not in all cases. Screen mapped textures and VRayToon are not supported. However if you would send a simple sample scene with your material setups and the expected result I can take a look at it and test where issues could occur.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Atanasov

    V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



    • #3
      thanks, ill package up one of the simpler scenes and fire it over... support@chaosgroup?


      • #4
        Yes, please send it using the forms from here:

        Best regards,
        Alexander Atanasov

        V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



        • #5
          ok i have submitted a scene/ticket.


          • #6
            Hi super gnu,

            I have checked the scene and can say the following:
            • the falloff will not import correctly
            • the texture in screen space will not be set and mapped to the viewport space as it is not implemented in the VRayMtl
            • the outline effect will not import
            • if there are animated objects (translated/rotated/scaled or deformed) will not be import as such
            Overall I suggest the shaders and effects be made entirely inside UE and the geo be imported be it with V-Ray or Datasmith. But the entire project and final result requires more that basic (at least an intermediate) knowledge level of UE's functionalities.

            Best regards,
            Alexander Atanasov

            V-Ray for Unreal & Chaos Vantage QA



            • #7
              ok, it is as i suspected.. in any case we have decided to go with a spherical video based solution... getting up to speed with UE during a live project seems a little...optimistic.

