Hi, heres a link to scene memhold.zip
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/llajdu97u0wz41gxg715n/ALwbwENT2C_yOs4oNtctWpE?rlkey=jsv046idqdu1eak8w8h1 srz5k&st=7y11lh6q&dl=0
although its the same issue as the scene i sent you a while ago...ever since vray 7
Im using :
win 11
vray gpu (nighlty)
nvidia 566.14 studio
rendering in cuda.
so I just tested again to make sure with 2 3dsmax open.
Pre render ram on gpu : 1286
Ram usage on 1st scene whilst rendering : 7998
Ram usage after render stopped : 5400
Ram usage on 2nd scene whilst rendering : 12116
Ram usage after 2nd render stopped : 9518
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/llajdu97u0wz41gxg715n/ALwbwENT2C_yOs4oNtctWpE?rlkey=jsv046idqdu1eak8w8h1 srz5k&st=7y11lh6q&dl=0
although its the same issue as the scene i sent you a while ago...ever since vray 7
Im using :
win 11
vray gpu (nighlty)
nvidia 566.14 studio
rendering in cuda.
so I just tested again to make sure with 2 3dsmax open.
Pre render ram on gpu : 1286
Ram usage on 1st scene whilst rendering : 7998
Ram usage after render stopped : 5400
Ram usage on 2nd scene whilst rendering : 12116
Ram usage after 2nd render stopped : 9518