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Tranlucent materials

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  • #46
    I tried it with 4.3 and it really crashes, that is kind of surprising, because the material was built about the same time when 4.3 was released. Anyway, as i said this kind of materials (volumetric-translucent) were never provided to customers officially, and because of this the rendering with the old versions is not reliable. We are planing to include few samples in the library until the end of the month, but as i know no more 4.X releases are planed so we can't provide official fix for this or any other issues. However if someone wants to use them with 4.x i can provide him unofficial plugin build, of course this works only for local rendering.
    VRScans developer


    • #47
      Some updates.
      As i already mentioned, we have the ability to render non flat translucent materials, also known as SSS in the CG industry. Finaly, there are SSS materials added to the library (few types of wax, EPS, XPS, plastics) but unfortunatelly you will need VRay 5.1 last update to be able to render them.
      Yes, we developed this feature about 3 years ago, but except some demo renderers it was not used for real customers until now. A car that is not used for 3 years is hard to start, so the most of these materials can't work with VRay 4.3 ,and even these who work, produce different result compared to 5.1. So, officially the required VRay is 5.1, and this can be seen in the material info even when the material is VRay 4.3 compatible.
      The materials are scale sensitive, the bigger objects appear less translucent (like in the reality), and i know what the first question will be - is it possible to add a scale multiplier, to allow proper rendering when the scale is not correct for some reason, or just as translucency control. Yes it is, perhaps in the next update.

      VRScans developer


      • #48
        Great news! The styrofoam is looking great, will test it once version 5.1 is working for us.

        On some of the objects it looks like you can see some artifacts of the underlying objects, caused by the tesselation. Is this going to be an issue with the materials showing translucency?


        • #49
          Can you specify where ?
          VRScans developer


          • #50
            Sure, check the base part under the sphere on these scans. You can see some kind of pattern looking like the tesselation beneath.


            Wax white also has a line-shaped artifact to the right.


            • #51
              now i see it, thanks
              VRScans developer


              • #52
                Have any new translucent materials been added to the library? X-rite has added some support for translucent materials in their AxF-worklflow. Materials like white translucent plastics would be really handy, that is a material very common in design and automotive sectors.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	translucent.jpg
Views:	77
Size:	159.6 KB
ID:	1221292


                • #53
                  Not yet, but you are welcome with suggestions and samples. We are about to add significant amount of new materials by users request, any sugestions and samples are welcome.
                  VRScans developer

