This is an interisting Thread now.
Well me and my partners are living in Hamburg, Germany.
for a usual immage we get about 1200 to 2000 € so far, depending on the complexity of the scene. We also do renderings of single family houses, for about 350€ with reel 3d roofs, real 3d trees and also (how was the green stuff on the floor called ?)
well this low price, because those guy allways comes back those houses all look very simmilar. and right now we can do one in about 4 to 5 hours.
we also did jobs for Airbus, but the biggest jobs we head where about 25000 € for example for the interior animation of a big ship.
at last such jobs until now came in only 3 times, and on the other way our company right now is only 2 Years old, so things start to get better.
so we where able to pay to us selve about 1500 to 2000 € the month (and we are the owner 4 guy´s), while in other jobs for example architects, they get payed between 1500 and 3000 € and also dont have to fear for their rent. and also work about 50 hours a week, while we usualy work about 60 Hours a week. and also through the night and the weekend.
only thing we hope, that future will make it better.
i also post some examples.

this flacon i did ago would have cost about 800€

this of course isnt the airbus we did, but a demo we did before
(was the time before vray came to us) and also was done for realtime
for this immage we would like to have 25000 € due to the complexity of the geometry, but we would get usualy about 8 to 10000

each house about 350 to 450 €
you also could post some examples , to get a better idea.
Well me and my partners are living in Hamburg, Germany.
for a usual immage we get about 1200 to 2000 € so far, depending on the complexity of the scene. We also do renderings of single family houses, for about 350€ with reel 3d roofs, real 3d trees and also (how was the green stuff on the floor called ?)
well this low price, because those guy allways comes back those houses all look very simmilar. and right now we can do one in about 4 to 5 hours.
we also did jobs for Airbus, but the biggest jobs we head where about 25000 € for example for the interior animation of a big ship.
at last such jobs until now came in only 3 times, and on the other way our company right now is only 2 Years old, so things start to get better.
so we where able to pay to us selve about 1500 to 2000 € the month (and we are the owner 4 guy´s), while in other jobs for example architects, they get payed between 1500 and 3000 € and also dont have to fear for their rent. and also work about 50 hours a week, while we usualy work about 60 Hours a week. and also through the night and the weekend.
only thing we hope, that future will make it better.
i also post some examples.

this flacon i did ago would have cost about 800€

this of course isnt the airbus we did, but a demo we did before
(was the time before vray came to us) and also was done for realtime
for this immage we would like to have 25000 € due to the complexity of the geometry, but we would get usualy about 8 to 10000

each house about 350 to 450 €
you also could post some examples , to get a better idea.