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Overclocking Threadripper 2950X

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  • Overclocking Threadripper 2950X

    I got a new system.
    G.Skill Trident Z RGB DDR4-3200
    AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X
    be quiet! Silent Base 801
    Enermax LiqTech TR4 II 360mm
    And a 2080 Ti
    Thanks to Muhammed_Hamed for all the infos in the other threads!!
    It blinks and glows like Las Vegas

    Now I'm trying to overclock it and I'm a little lost between the AMD RyzenMaster tool and the Mobo settings.
    What workflow would you guys recommend for overclocking this?
    In the past, with Intel chips I used to raise the multiplier till it breaks and then raise the voltage till it works again. Repeat until the max recommended temp is reached (which is 70 for this one I think).

    Got a score of 16806 for cpu and 409 for cpu + gpu in the latest Vray Benchmark at stock settings. Which is quite good already, but I want to push it further a little since this cooler should be able to give some headroom. Temp is 35 idle and about 50 under load.
    Last edited by Ihno; 02-07-2019, 12:57 PM.
    German guy, sorry for my English.

  • #2
    Congrats on the new system Ihno
    What temps you are getting now in the Ryzen master app?
    You should do all your OC in bios, it is just more reliable. And do you have at least 4 RAM Dimms for quad channel?
    For OC, it is very easy to do.. Follow these steps
    -Make to undo any settings in Ryzen master app, like what I said, we will do this through bios
    -Restart and enter bios, click on OC, on the left.. Now find A-XMP ...use the pre-configured 3200 MHz profile for your RAM
    -Now click on settings on the left, save and reset. Then after the restart enter your bios again.
    -At the top you should see your 3200 RAM OC, which means everything is working nicely and now we can do CPU OC
    -Click on OC, on the left .. then scroll down to CPU features, find Percision Boost Override and set it to disabled(this is very important)
    -Hit ESC to go back, and scroll up to CPU ratio, use something like 39
    -scroll down to CPU core voltage and set it to 1.3 volts
    -Click on settings on the left...Then find advanced, then PCIe subsystem settings.. make sure that your PCIe slot is at x16
    with the 2950x you should install your GPU at the first PCIe slot (and for the 2990wx you should use thrid PCIe slot)
    -Now save settings and restart. You can use Aida 64 stability test to see if your settings are stable
    -If you get any crashes try core voltage of 1.325.. but let me know how it goes and what kind of temps you are getting, we can push the OC higher
    -You can also OC your video card, let me know if you want to do that

    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist


    • #3
      Awesome! Thanks!
      I did what you said, but with a CPU ratio of 40
      It passes the Stability test for 20 minutes(then I canceled) and gets up to 72° and idles around 40°
      For some reason I can't reset the RyzenMaster App. It was set to automatically in the beginning, I switched to manual and can't get back.
      If I want to apply the automatic profile and reboot its set to manual again. Will an uninstall be enough or does it change things under the hood of my computer that wouldn't be resetted?
      I didn't do anything in there apart from switching the mode.

      New Scores:

      As for OC the GPU... sure, why not. It's the MSI GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GAMING X TRIO
      That cooler should also give some headroom.

      Edit: oh and yes, 4 dimms 64gb in total
      Last edited by Ihno; 12-07-2019, 08:33 AM.
      German guy, sorry for my English.


      • #4
        about your idle temps, do you have AC in your room?
        Does your room get hot in Summer like now?
        72 degrees is very good..Max recommended temp is not really 70 or 68 like many people think.. anything below 80 is good for 24/7 load
        We might be able to push your CPU higher than that, I've got to 4.3 on few lucky 2950Xs
        About Ryzen master app, this can mess up many things and cause instability. See if uninstalling it then installing again fixes the issue
        you will need to restart your PC after each step
        Let me know how it goes
        For GPU, we can go crazy on OC..
        I will give you few numbers to try in afterburner, after we finish CPU OC and make sure it is stable
        you will need to stress test about 4-5 hours at the end, to double check everything
        Muhammed Hamed
        V-Ray GPU product specialist


        • #5
          It seems I can't get past 4.1 (It gets to 80° with a voltage of 1.300) I'll go back to 4 because its getting loud
          I managed to reset the Ryzen Master tool by deinstalling, booting, reset the bios, boot again and install the tool again.
          But as soon as I change anything in the bios it jumps back to manual again. So i think this is supposed to work like this.
          We don't have an AC here. The outside temp doesn't gets higher than 36° here. In this room it could get 40° max maybe... on a weekend when 3 computers are rendering, and we have 36° outside.
          Today it isn't as warm maybe 25° in this room.
          Should I try to get the idle temp down? I guess it could be done with the fan control.
          Last edited by Ihno; 12-07-2019, 08:34 AM.
          German guy, sorry for my English.


          • #6
            Sure it could get to 40 degrees in the room?
            I don't think you would be able to stay there for more than a minute... and Idle temps would be at 65-70 degrees
            I asked because I considered going higher than 4 GHz.. but as you have no AC in the room, it is better to stick to 4 GHz
            Your idle temps are acutally ok, as you have no AC
            Are you using 1.3 volts now?
            You will need at least 5 hours of Aida 64, to make sure this is 100% reliable
            Then we can get to CPU OC
            If the system is louder than you would want now, feel free to install Corsair link and setup custom fan curves
            Let me know if you need help with that
            About GPU OC, lets hold for now until you make sure that your CPU OC is reliable
            So if you get crashes, it will be easier to figure out what is going on

            Muhammed Hamed
            V-Ray GPU product specialist



            • #7
              Yea, yea we can feel the climate change here in the last 10 years and its getting worse every year... at some point we'll probably get an AC... But those 40° are a rough estimation and a total corner case. That's why I said on a weekend (when nobody is here) and some computers are maxed out. I think when the weather report would predict those condition and I have to render stuff I'd take the computers and put them in the basement.

              Yep I'm using 1.3v and I'll let AIDA run through the night today. 16 hours should be enough.
              So Corsair link is better than the Mainboard controls? I can setup a curve there too.
              German guy, sorry for my English.


              • #8
                Board is better of course
                Corsair link is just for convenience as you might want to test your settings and match what you want
                4 GHz on 1.3 Volts is very impressive honestly.. you have got a good chip
                If you get AC later on, we can revisit these settings and do a higher OC if you want

                Muhammed Hamed
                V-Ray GPU product specialist



                • #9
                  It ran through the night with 4ghz and 1.25v(I lowered the voltage a bit to see if I can reduce the noise even more).
                  It had 71° after 10+hours of aida64 stress test and its very quiet. I'm really happy thanks a million Muhammed!
                  Now lets see what we can do for the GPU.
                  Last edited by Ihno; 12-07-2019, 08:35 AM.
                  German guy, sorry for my English.


                  • #10
                    You have got yourself a very good/rare chip Ihno, under proper cooling when you have AC you probably can get to 4.2+ GHz on all cores
                    Are you sure you disabled PBO like what I said in the first comment? it should be under CPU features
                    if you have more time, you can experiment with even lower voltages, until you get the system to crash.. just if you want to know exactly how far you could go
                    You will need to go down in small increments, 1.24 then 1.23.. if it crashes try 1.235
                    If you don't have time ,it should be all good.. leave it at 1.25 volts, your temps are more than good for this kind of OC
                    Then we get to OCing your GPU which is a lot of fun
                    You need the latest version of GPU-Z and afterburner
                    You also need Octane Benchmark and V-ray benchmark.. see what kind of results/temps you get before doing any OC, so we get an idea of what we should aim at

                    Muhammed Hamed
                    V-Ray GPU product specialist



                    • #11
                      If you choose to go down even more on voltages, you will need like 10 minutes of stress testing per increment
                      And when you get your system to crash and go back to the last stable voltage, you will need to do another 5 hours of stress testing.. just to make sure this is stable for 24/7 usage
                      Muhammed Hamed
                      V-Ray GPU product specialist



                      • #12
                        Yep, PBO is disabled I double-checked.
                        But I realized there is a problem with the RAM speed... it's not consistently loaded.. its kind of random.
                        To test that I booted the BIOS 10 times. It had 6 times 3200 and 4 times 2133. That's a pity as it makes a big difference in the VRay benchmark. (18000 instead of 20000)

                        For now, I will stay at 1.25v since the computer is quieter than the general office background noise. So its inaudible as long as I don't push my ears against it. Also, that means there is a lot of room temp margin before it goes up to dangerous degrees. So, I don't really have a reason.
                        I think I will create another OC Profile in the winter when we have consistent 21° in the room.

                        The GPU goes up to 65°-68° using the octane benchmark and I get a total score of 284.65.
                        The much shorter Vray benchmark gets the temp to 64° and results in 319 mpaths.
                        Last edited by Ihno; 12-07-2019, 08:35 AM.
                        German guy, sorry for my English.


                        • #13
                          Good that you confirmed PBO is disabled
                          I have came across the RAM issue before, it can be annoying to solve
                          Did you install any other apps that access OC settings from windows?
                          MSI commend center for example? or even ryzen master app
                          Make sure that you don't have any settings there, and it is best to not install MSI commend center at all
                          Did you found out about the RAM today, or it was an issue since the beginning?
                          How many RAM Dimms you have now?
                          This is the correct order for RAM that you should use

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_41.jpg
Views:	1636
Size:	102.7 KB
ID:	1041503

                          Muhammed Hamed
                          V-Ray GPU product specialist



                          • #14
                            Only the Ryzen Master App. I'll remove it.
                            I compared the temps it shows with Core Temp and it seems Core Temp is as accurate. So I don't need it anyways.
                            I think it was like that before, I've seen it yesterday morning but after a reboot everything was fine, so I didn't bother.
                            I've got 4 dimms, and they're installed like in the down left picture. BIOS is up to date btw.
                            Last edited by Ihno; 12-07-2019, 08:36 AM.
                            German guy, sorry for my English.


                            • #15
                              Thanks for all info,
                              All 4 Dimms are from the same matching kit? or did you buy 2 kits with 2 dimms each?
                              Can you give me the model number on the packaging if you have them around?
                              For OC, you enabled XMP, then choose the 3200 profile like what I said in the first post?
                              After uninstalling Ryzen master app, can you restart few times and see if RAM speeds is at 3200 MHz?
                              We probably need to do the RAM OC manually and play with some timings
                              I will give you specific numbers to use, should be straight forward
                              Let me know how it goes..
                              Are you on windows 1903 with the latest updates all installed?
                              Muhammed Hamed
                              V-Ray GPU product specialist


