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Overclocking Threadripper 2950X

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Micha View Post
    I use an open case and no case fans.
    There you go, this is basically your issue
    You don't have any airflow, so 80 degrees is actually not bad in your case. Let me know more about your setup like what open case are you using??|
    Same concept if you put your case in a refrigerator, you actually get worse thermals.. Airflow matters more than ambient temps
    Thermal paste is probably fine, if not your temps would be way worse, don't buy liquid metal.. it is hard for you to apply and not necessary for your setup
    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist


    • #77
      I have a Corsair Obsidian Series 750D and think, I need to think about the place in the room. And I will try a fresh thermal compound.

      Since the Hybrid mode is quite disappointing here, I think, the thermal worst case of GPU+CPU together will not be needed. If three GPU are running, than the 2950x doesn't bring so much, maybe approx. 10% only. ... visualization for designer and architects


      • #78
        Lets take this slowly
        The Obsidian 750D is not an open design, you definitely need fans in there.. even if you keep both side panels removed all the time, passive cooling is not enough.. why would you remove the case fans at first place??
        the radiator fans should be exhaust, and at least you need 2 fans at the front for intake and one more fan at the back for exhaust
        Lets stick to basics first, before going on thermal paste.. Your issue is 100% your airflow
        Muhammed Hamed
        V-Ray GPU product specialist


        • #79
          OK, I understand, there is to much warm air above the graphic cards. My problem was, that every case fan added some noise, so I disabled the fans and hoped the open side is good enough. I will try to find some really silent fans. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
 ... visualization for designer and architects


          • #80
            Micha Good luck!
            Let me know if you need help!
            I use Bequiet Silent wings fans, they don't have RGB and they are very quite
            you can also setup fan curves to your liking, it will help you a lot reduce the noise
            And btw, Does this mean you didn't use fans on radiator? or you had only these 3 fans on your radiator
            problem with this is that you have negative pressure in your case, and over time you will run into dust issues
            You need front and back fans like what I described above, to balance the pressure, and to have an airflow at all

            Muhammed Hamed
            V-Ray GPU product specialist



            • #81
              I used the three fan at the radiator only. They works quite silent in idle. Maybe on the long run I invest in some more silent fans. I read that the Noctua NF-A12x25 PWM could be very silent.
     ... visualization for designer and architects


              • #82
                Yeah, the Noctuas are as silent as the Bequiet fans, and both of these offer really good performance. pick whatever you like
                Even the stock fans can do a good can run them at 800 RPM, and get a good balance between thermals and noise
                Muhammed Hamed
                V-Ray GPU product specialist



                • #83
                  One thought more about 2950x and cooling. I ask me, why the CPU runs at 75°C and the water in the cooler is at 42°C only? My impression is that the CPU heat isn't right transported into the water. I found a german discussion and this image which illustrate the cooler placed on the CPU. It looks like the Corsair h150i isn't optimal for the Threadripper. Now I found this video:
         and it looks like the Enermax Liqtech 240 and 360 match much better to the CPU size. Maybe it's a slightly better option for cooling the TR.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	54-png.740039.png
Views:	257
Size:	4.3 KB
ID:	1052548

         ... visualization for designer and architects


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Micha View Post
                    t looks like the Enermax Liqtech 240 and 360 match much better to the CPU size. Maybe it's a slightly better option for cooling the TR.

                    DO NOT BUY
                    CGI Artist @ Staud Studios

