Sooo System specs
Mobo: Asus Z8PE-D18
CGI: 8800 GTS OC 640 BFG
Ram 24 gm evv 1066 triple channel
Hdd: 4x 500 raid 0
CPU: 2x E5530 2.5 ghz
, ordering Asus gtx 480 as I post it....
just to compare performance !
CPU RT = 2000.000 kpaths/s
GPU RT = 1900.000 Kpaths/s !! Not bad for so old CGI wow... / Incredible ! I just chock in my usual scene to GPU see how it works ! It runs 400.000 faster than CPU !
In friday I hope Ill upload gtx 480 data, I hope I wont have to reinstalll windows for it !!!
Bugs / Whishlist:
Pink list new ones... black old one..
Whishlist :
1.Lower threat priority, lag like crazy....
2.Maybe measure GPU memory... ?
3.Disable specular/diffuse/reflection asap plz..
4.An option to disable all textures plz..
5.An option to override Shader/MTL of objects that have incompatible shaders/mtl Would be nice if we got 400 objects instead of hand picking them to just give them desire color so we can see it in viewport /render /etc
6.Option to use Mixed mode plz.
7.Restart NODE Vray service, if it crash, or just restart, having to go through 10-50 nodes by hand to just close down and start up again Vray RT - IT IS A PAIN.
8.Fallof Map plox
9. When using one of max windows to act as active shader, would be nice if I could chose to render it at custom resolution and not the size of the window...
Bug list:
1.the -5 error popping it at random times when I quickly unhide groups of layers of geomtry. Could be me ither doing it too quick and GPU crash or I'm simply at the edge of my 640 mb memory...
2.Black evil DOTS....
3.Invisible to camera object come up white in GPU render
4.Light pointing away from object can be reflected as black nothing back in object when its set to be invisible
5.Vray procces will not clean up ram after its finish and 3ds max its closed ! It will hold both GPU memory and RAM
6.Vray Plane Light, lighting a plane will have a sharp fallof at the edge of light end... quite weird... CPU only, GPU works fine - Gamma issue o.o
7.Causics ! CPU not supported(random, one time is one time its not... or I'm blind, GPU is.
8.F10 > Indirect Illu > Caustics > Multiple aint doint anything in GPU RT
9.F10 > Settings > Light Settings > Multiple Caustics aint doing anything either...
10.Material > Fog Collor in GPU aint working... CPU is fine
11.GPU always generate caustics even when I untick Vray:: Caustics under production render
12.Max Photons arent woring either... I guess Caustics under GPU are clear ''effect'' with no options to control... good to have it anyway ^^
13.Render resolution changes. When I click on icon to start production render at 10k, its ok fine rendering, Then I click f10 go to RT set preview to 1k, click render Fine. Now the issue starts when I click and hold the icon to start production/RT the resolutions keep changing, none of them is holding their values. Also when I go from RT to Production, and backwards all SAVE files are getting dis-ticked, meaning nothing gets saved...
14.Turbo Smooth, if I have it set to render only during the render time, and not in viewport, causes crash to my GPU RT, -5 error... Looks like GPU actually try to load geometry at high quality or something... or just my fail
15. When I convert max perspective window to act as active shader, if then I will add Light/Object Vray RT wont get updated.
Sooo System specs
Mobo: Asus Z8PE-D18
CGI: 8800 GTS OC 640 BFG
Ram 24 gm evv 1066 triple channel
Hdd: 4x 500 raid 0
CPU: 2x E5530 2.5 ghz
![big grin](https://forums.chaos.com/core/images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
just to compare performance !
CPU RT = 2000.000 kpaths/s
GPU RT = 1900.000 Kpaths/s !! Not bad for so old CGI wow... / Incredible ! I just chock in my usual scene to GPU see how it works ! It runs 400.000 faster than CPU !
In friday I hope Ill upload gtx 480 data, I hope I wont have to reinstalll windows for it !!!
Bugs / Whishlist:
Pink list new ones... black old one..
Whishlist :
1.Lower threat priority, lag like crazy....
2.Maybe measure GPU memory... ?
3.Disable specular/diffuse/reflection asap plz..
4.An option to disable all textures plz..
5.An option to override Shader/MTL of objects that have incompatible shaders/mtl Would be nice if we got 400 objects instead of hand picking them to just give them desire color so we can see it in viewport /render /etc
6.Option to use Mixed mode plz.
7.Restart NODE Vray service, if it crash, or just restart, having to go through 10-50 nodes by hand to just close down and start up again Vray RT - IT IS A PAIN.
8.Fallof Map plox
9. When using one of max windows to act as active shader, would be nice if I could chose to render it at custom resolution and not the size of the window...
Bug list:
1.the -5 error popping it at random times when I quickly unhide groups of layers of geomtry. Could be me ither doing it too quick and GPU crash or I'm simply at the edge of my 640 mb memory...
2.Black evil DOTS....
3.Invisible to camera object come up white in GPU render
4.Light pointing away from object can be reflected as black nothing back in object when its set to be invisible
5.Vray procces will not clean up ram after its finish and 3ds max its closed ! It will hold both GPU memory and RAM
6.Vray Plane Light, lighting a plane will have a sharp fallof at the edge of light end... quite weird... CPU only, GPU works fine - Gamma issue o.o
7.Causics ! CPU not supported(random, one time is one time its not... or I'm blind, GPU is.
8.F10 > Indirect Illu > Caustics > Multiple aint doint anything in GPU RT
9.F10 > Settings > Light Settings > Multiple Caustics aint doing anything either...
10.Material > Fog Collor in GPU aint working... CPU is fine
11.GPU always generate caustics even when I untick Vray:: Caustics under production render
12.Max Photons arent woring either... I guess Caustics under GPU are clear ''effect'' with no options to control... good to have it anyway ^^
13.Render resolution changes. When I click on icon to start production render at 10k, its ok fine rendering, Then I click f10 go to RT set preview to 1k, click render Fine. Now the issue starts when I click and hold the icon to start production/RT the resolutions keep changing, none of them is holding their values. Also when I go from RT to Production, and backwards all SAVE files are getting dis-ticked, meaning nothing gets saved...
14.Turbo Smooth, if I have it set to render only during the render time, and not in viewport, causes crash to my GPU RT, -5 error... Looks like GPU actually try to load geometry at high quality or something... or just my fail
15. When I convert max perspective window to act as active shader, if then I will add Light/Object Vray RT wont get updated.