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maxwell Render - first facts and screenshots

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  • #16
    .... i just ment the light tint...not the intensity and bounces

    also, check out the "indirect" shadows cast by the environement...pretty cool...or maybe he used a vrayLight in the windows


    • #17
      ok got me there...

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #18

        Software used : Max + Maxwell ( of course )
        Geometry : Maxwell Fur and Maxwell displacement
        Ligth: only one Maxwell light !
        Renderingtime : 1 year and 3 secondes ( right on time for the meeting)
        other comments : Eyes corrected in Photoshop and Maxwell does also a good coffee...


        • #19
          Originally posted by olivierfR
          ...or maybe he used a vrayLight in the windows
          that's pretty funny would be funny if it could support vray and brazil area lights that in emerency case/ or for speed one could use a mixture of things...hehehehe



          • #20


            • #21


              • #22

                It might be nice to write a plugin for Maxwell that do this :

                - Maxwell emergency deluxe 1.0 :
                If nothing happen after xx secondes ( setup by the user ), then Vray take over the rendering process and finishing everything in a clock turn of the CPU, and also render a 30fps animation just for fun..and then Outlook send a post on Ebay to sell your Maxwell license.

                - Maxwell heating 1.0 :
                While Maxwell render ( usually takes a couple of month for a highres ), then you can use the heat produce by the CPU to warm your house.

                - Maxwell coffee machine :
                Just plug your old coffee machine on your computer and while rendering Maxwell can also make coffee for you ( anyway, he has the time to do it)

                - Maxwell family portrait :
                Maxwell can take picture of your children growing, while's also working with all sort of timelaps experiment ( see cactus growing, plants ...)

                tired...other Idea ?


                • #23
                  .......I'm on the floor....I can't stop laghing :P

                  I like the heating idea......could save up on heating bills..



                  • #24

                    Maybe another good idea: Maxwell Wine 0.1 alpha:

                    - put some grapes in a bottle and enjoy your wine after the render has finished
                    You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                    • #25
                      Now i get it !
                      When i order Maxwell, i also receive a baby cow...that's for the cheese when the render is finished ! ok...i get it ! .... you were saying ? does it works for 60 years old wisky ?


                      • #26
                        Maxwell is so slow that it can even freeze time for a while
                        and go backwards in time to year 2000,
                        meets the millenium bug,
                        and then crash.

                        other feature of Maxwell : real time rendering on floppy disk

                        when you press render, you have to ask to your child to check the image

                        good night


                        • #27
                          you guys are definately uninteresting fanboys

                          - you DON'T understand the point of this renderer
                          - you CAN'T compare it to vray or *put your renderer here*
                          and finally, and most importantly :
                          - you DON'T NEED this renderer, it can't serve your needs, but you buy it anyway. think twice next time, $400 is a lot of money for those who don't have $1 to eat everyday.

                          sorry if i feel angry but it's really boring to see that kind of behavior. this does not help you, maxwell team and of course this does not help vray team at all. saying loud that maxwell sucks on vray forum will not make you a better vray user.



                          • #28
                            Common finish,

                            We were just making a bit fun at the end of a working day, I don't see that would do any harm

                            I think Maxwell render has some very strong points. It is a pity that they will not release a demo version before the final release.

                            p.s. what do you mean by 'you buy it anyway'? who has besides Chris, who isn't making fun of Maxwell at all?
                            You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                            • #29
                              Hey...yes ! come on ...'s just fun !
                              you know :

                              Like Gijs says, it's a pity that no demo has been done since now !


                              • #30
                                you DON'T understand the point of this renderer
                                - you CAN'T compare it to vray or *put your renderer here*
                                and finally, and most importantly :
                                - you DON'T NEED this renderer, it can't serve your needs, but you buy it anyway. think twice next time, $400 is a lot of money for those who don't have $1 to eat everyday.
                                well angryboy
                                -we are not trying to compare, but you have to agree that for production
                                you can't use a render thats render for hours and hours....!!!!
                                and what is the point of this renderer... wiseguy and why you can't compare it to vray??? i haven't seen yet an image that we cant't make i vray and faster so...

                                well we are not ignorent we are just trying to be professionals. sorry.
                                and maybe maxwell can serve our needs... but a demo you can't download. so ya you have to buy it strange for someone how is thinking that his renderer is better than the rest!!!

                                with regards to vray users

