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maxwell Render - first facts and screenshots

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  • #46
    Hey Gijs ! really nice test !!
    But..ok could you compare both ??
    the first comment about difference between both...:

    In, Vray, you used a Vray light ? right (to help calculation) Maxwell, i think they use only the environement....

    Also...Maxwell show some DOF...Vray not...

    Also, look, the light distribution or let say, bounces, are more equilibrate in Maxwell, Vray is a bit overbright, washed out on the bright area...

    So, good first test...but might me nice to show some DOF, only use environement and more bounces...

    Thanks, for this test !


    • #47
      just with regards to the light distribution in both renders, I really dont like the maxwell one, it looks bland to me.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #48
        Quick comparison with lightmap and qmc:
        (This is just a test to compare the look and feel of Vray with Maxwell. quality of my render is lower, but also a lot faster.
        lol, so much time wasted doing useless rendertime tests with an alpha release.
        do it when they release the final product next year.


        • #49

          In, Vray, you used a Vray light ? right (to help calculation) Maxwell, i think they use only the environement....
          In the Scene provided there is a plane object named "sun" in the reccess, I assume that it was a light object in the Maxwell render.

          The vray render has much more life, IMO
          Eric Boer


          • #50
            Originally posted by Long John
            Quick comparison with lightmap and qmc:
            (This is just a test to compare the look and feel of Vray with Maxwell. quality of my render is lower, but also a lot faster.
            lol, so much time wasted doing useless rendertime tests with an alpha release.
            do it when they release the final product next year.
            Hey (new here, long time CGTalk user)

            I wouldn't quite say wasted, as some of the results posted at the maxwell site are quite worthy of more testing.

            I believe there's a lot to look forward to with this renderer


            • #51
              lol, so much time wasted doing useless rendertime tests with an alpha release.
              And I quote myself:
              This is just a test to compare the look and feel of Vray with Maxwell
              p.s. I did not make the maxwell test, I found the scene here:
              You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


              • #52
                This one was done by Paul Oblomov: (rendertime about 44 minutes, don't know his system specs. seems this one has dof)

                You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                • #53
                  Ohh, I love challenges Here is a quick one. I don't know the material or the light parameters for the scene though, so I had to guess; that's why it looks different. Probably the material should have been brighter. DOF+QMC GI+lightmap.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #54
                    i guess lightmap are used for secondary bounces, right ? so you're off topic :P


                    • #55
                      i guess lightmap are used for secondary bounces, right ? so you're off topic :P
                      Of course; I'm in the "off-topic" section

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by finish
                        you guys are definately uninteresting fanboys

                        - you DON'T understand the point of this renderer
                        - you CAN'T compare it to vray or *put your renderer here*
                        and finally, and most importantly :
                        - you DON'T NEED this renderer, it can't serve your needs, but you buy it anyway. think twice next time, $400 is a lot of money for those who don't have $1 to eat everyday.

                        sorry if i feel angry but it's really boring to see that kind of behavior. this does not help you, maxwell team and of course this does not help vray team at all. saying loud that maxwell sucks on vray forum will not make you a better vray user.

                        Well.. so what is the point of this renderer ?
                        under the line ...generating a photorealistic image.
                        And that´s not that far from vray ?!

                        Of course you can compare it to vray. It´s a renderer for 3dsmax
                        with it´s primary focus on Global Illumination. (Do I care wich method
                        it uses ? ... No.. I just need to get my jobs done)

                        If I need this renderer or not I would like to decide by myself
                        And tests like this are very helpful to figure this out.
                        Thank You lightpixel for sharing this results with us (and wasting 400$ )

                        Some further points.

                        About the easy scene setup of maxwell:
                        Tell this your boss and your fired tomorrow !

                        About the physical super correct behaviour.
                        I remember just very... very few customers in my life
                        (mostly arch viz) wich were satisfied with an image
                        I would call 100% physical correct. They want this corner
                        a little brighter or that wall a little more redishand.
                        I even had a customer who wanted reflections that would never
                        occur in realworld.. and so on

                        About the quality.
                        So far I have seen nothing that is not reproducable by any other
                        renderer. As mentioned above also vray has a direct computation.
                        Even with a well tuned irradiance map setup (delone triangulation,
                        calc pass samples, Interp. samples) you can get a very detailed Gi shadows in a fraction of time direct computation would need.

                        About the speed.
                        I recently had an indoor scene. A hall with a lot of selfilluminating
                        light fields and a lot of glass. With vray the rendering took 9 hours
                        to complete at lowest possible settings. I´m shure with maxwell i
                        could multiply the time between factor 3 and 5 (just a guess
                        from what i´ve seen).
                        That´s just not acceptable in a production !

                        So I really have to ask myself for whom maxwell was build ?
                        I just can come to one conclusion.
                        1. Scientists with some sort of "earth simulator" machine
                        .. they will love it !!
                        2. People working without deadlines and gigantic renderfarms.
                        3. Not for me. Once again.. Thanks Lightpixel !

                        And i do not post this becasuse "I´m so in love in VRay"
                        Also vray has it´s problems ! And I was often enough
                        negative on vray, too !!
                        (That point cache accident GRRRR)
                        Just to make this clear !

                        ps.. another little question on the "easy scene setup"
                        if you do a preview rendering in maxwell let´s say 320x240 within 10mins
                        (just for example)and it´s clean and splotchfree. How do you
                        know the right setup to get it as clean in a 2 or 4k solution ? if not testrendering for hours ?? The 10min setup probabely won´t do it´s job

                        so... enough negative vibes for today



                        • #57
                          one thing I want to say:
                          it was not my intention, to say, maxwell is the better or will become
                          a better renderer than vray! we use in my company vray for more then one year, and we are all happy about vray.
                          I don´t know, if the 400$ for maxwell was wasted. If next year nextlimit releases the final version and become faster (4-5 times faster I hope), I can say:
                          ok, I saved 600$.

                          perhabs it was a mistake, to post features of an other renderer here in vray-forum. in three weeks, nextlimit will release an update. Can I post new results here in vray-forum about maxwell, or should I leave it??
                          It´s your decision.
                          one thing I can say: save you money and wait for a demo-version of maxwell.

                          ok, have a nice weekend and let´s do some more nice vray-renderings!!

                          kind regards


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by vlado
                            Of course; I'm in the "off-topic" section

                            Best regards,

                            good point!


                            • #59
                              one thing I want to say:
                              it was not my intention, to say, maxwell is the better or will become
                              a better renderer than vray! we use in my company vray for more then one year, and we are all happy about vray.
                              I don´t know, if the 400$ for maxwell was wasted. If next year nextlimit releases the final version and become faster (4-5 times faster I hope), I can say:
                              ok, I saved 600$.

                              perhabs it was a mistake, to post features of an other renderer here in vray-forum. in three weeks, nextlimit will release an update. Can I post new results here in vray-forum about maxwell, or should I leave it??
                              It´s your decision.
                              one thing I can say: save you money and wait for a demo-version of maxwell.

                              ok, have a nice weekend and let´s do some more nice vray-renderings!!

                              kind regards
                              absolutely post images created by any update. They are very useful and you are providing a great service to those that might want to look at it in the future. And I think everything Ive seen in this thread so far has just been good natured ribbing of the "new guy" Its bound to happen and I dont see it as a problem. Its also unavoidable in an essentially anonymous forum.

                              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                              • #60
                                i guess lightmap are used for secondary bounces, right ? so you're off topic
                                Hey finish, I think Vlado did a great test ! and the ONLY things which are comparable are:

                                -- The SPEED

                                -- The QUALITY

                                -- and the rest...really minor for experimented user (isn't it Finish)

                                Tell me, Finish, if i am wrong...

                                Of course, if you use Direct computation for first and second, Vray will be much slower than using lightmap... It's not the point...definitly not...
                                Simply because Vray can do much better/faster and that the SMART point of it ( using interpolated method to calculate light bounces )
                                The Next Limit team put their effort on something else...That's is simply a different way of dealing with the Beast....

                                So remenber...SPEED and QUALITY...
                                I think Vlado demonstrate on this particular test that the quality is the same in both render...and i don't even talk about the SPEED...

                                I think Vlado made a good Point on this...

