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maxwell Render - first facts and screenshots

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  • #31
    i think there is a place for a slow hi end renderer.
    we don't need another vray/brazil/fr renderer do we?
    if it takes one night to reach the quality of the pics in the gallery then that's ok for me.
    i wont always be able to use it but for some jobs it might be interesting, if the workflow isn't too annoying.
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


    • #32
      ok, here some statements from me, WHY we bought an alpha-version of an
      new renderer...

      first of all, I love testing different render engines...
      I started with FR, then switched to VRAY (this was 1 1/2 vear ago), I tested MR in the new MAX6 version last year, I did some test with brazil (as slow as maxwell, I think!!)...and the don´t forget lightscape

      ok, 399 bucks for a alpha-version software is much money! but look at Vray, the 1.5 version is still in beta stadium too, no comments from vlado and co when it will be ready, and I paid 799 $ for Vray
      I think, the maxwell-team does a good job, the support is very friendly!
      they work on a speed acceleration, I will make some test, then the beta version comes out...
      you can grumble and make jokes, maxwell releases the final version, and then, you can compare vray 1.5 (I hope, that it will be released next year ) with maxwell 1.0


      p.s. sorry for my bad english, you know the newest pisa-study results from germany?


      • #33
        but look at Vray, the 1.5 version is still in beta stadium too, no comments from vlado and co when it will be ready, and I paid 799 $ for Vray
        Well, i think you going to start a few people going on this one...but heres bacially what they will tell you. You did not pay $800 for 1.5, you paid $800 for 1.0, and the small releases through 1.1 Vray 1.1 never was release in an official manner, but all the features that you were supposed to get with 1.1 (minus DR, but thats a whole topic by itself) are there. You are getting 1.5 free, Chaos didnt have to give your 1.5, or 1.1, but they choose to.

        I think people are taking this thread the wrong way. Posts are having fun with a beta/first release that is a little slow. Its all in good fun. And they all probably understand that it will get faster.

        I think most people here, just wonder why they released a slow (but accurate) renderer, with no demo, and expect people to pay for it. Most people like to mess around with a product, run it, see how it fits into thier production pipeline. but with maxwell, you have a renderer that seems to be alot slower, and the same price. This is why it is funny

        (hope this babble makes sense, it does in my head )



        • #34
          finish, chill out, man......take a cold shower or something

          as Gijs mentioned, we're just playing around at the end of the working day.....but the key point, the fact that is still dog slow, still remains...and therefore it seems unusable in most realistic production deadlines...



          • #35
            we just gotta wait, ofcourse it will get faster next year... with the help of quadrothreading 128bit CPUs


            • #36
              Originally posted by ezrhythm
              we just gotta wait, ofcourse it will get faster next year... with the help of quadrothreading 128bit CPUs
              ...yeah they are just waitng for the hardware to catch up to them..hehe :P



              • #37
                Originally posted by Gijs

                Maybe another good idea: Maxwell Wine 0.1 alpha:

                - put some grapes in a bottle and enjoy your wine after the render has finished

                the real question is, if the wine will not turn to vineyard before vray v1.5 is released.

                i think we have enough betas to play with not?
                let them do their work and wait fo the final and polished product.

                im sure my boss will buy this when it´s finished.
                but he is tired of doing the endless betatest we are doing right now, so he sure will not pay for doing betatests for another company.


                • #38
                  the real question is, if the wine will not turn to vineyard before vray v1.5 is released.
                  I am on the floor...


                  • #39
                    I think maxwell produces the best GI images i've ever seen. It is slow, but they're developing multiplatform/networked renderer just from start, and i think render times on 20-60 cpu renderfarms will be just ok.

                    Also i think that this noise makes image looking more like scanned film. It's hard to composite, but this quality is acceptable for some works, there's some style in it.


                    • #40
                      well the brazil beta was the same way. slow and grainy...when the fishes removed the grain the people asked for it back...

                      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                      • #41
                        well the brazil beta was the same way. slow and grainy
                        Well. Yes , was super nice !

                        i think that this noise makes image looking more like scanned film
                        Also, really interesting !


                        • #42
                          even when maxwell is on average 5 times slower then vray but rock solid and you can save hours of GI setup and testrendering, then maxwell will have it´s niche.

                          the lighting quality is great and the noise problem will sure be solved.
                          this is still a alpha version.

                          a company who is doing stills will go for the best possible quality.

                          you can always add a few systems to a renderfarm to render faster.
                          but when the quality of the render engine is maxed out, your out of luck.

                          if maxwell CAN deliver superior render quality (and working DR) then the time factor will not be important for some companys.

                          question is, CAN they deliver a superior quality and a rock solid system?

                          we will see.


                          • #43
                            The thing I find funny about all this is that no one has mentioned that Vray has a QMC Gi too. If you pick QMC GI as your primary and secondary GI method, turn the bounces up to 20 and you're going to get true GI solution. I don't know about it being unbiased but it's going to look pretty similar. lots of noise too.
                            Galen Beals
                            Animator/Technical Director
                            Portland, Oregon


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by ngrava
                              The thing I find funny about all this is that no one has mentioned that Vray has a QMC Gi too. If you pick QMC GI as your primary and secondary GI method, turn the bounces up to 20 and you're going to get true GI solution. I don't know about it being unbiased but it's going to look pretty similar. lots of noise too.
                              that has been said already, i believe. anyway in the brute-force field, there is chances for QMC method to lose.


                              • #45
                                Quick comparison with lightmap and qmc:
                                (This is just a test to compare the look and feel of Vray with Maxwell. quality of my render is lower, but also a lot faster. (Also notice my image was rendered on system with speed about 1/3rd of the system used for the maxwell rendering) I think if I push the settings a bit more it will show almost identical images.


                                You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.

