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NEW Benchmark scene (Max 8 Vray RC3 required)

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  • 4x Opteron 8360SE, 16GB Ram, Win2008 x64, Max 2011
    Attached Files


    • Dell M6400, Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU Q9300, 4GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 3700M
      windows 7 x32, max 2008
      Attached Files
      Last edited by tehamnes; 04-05-2010, 07:40 AM.


      • Not bad for a laptop. Not sure why it looks all blown out though. I saved it with a gamma of 1.

        Anyway, it doesn't say so on the image tag, but my new laptop is a Core i7 975. 6 gigs of RAM, GeForce GTX 285M.

        - Geoff


        • Dang, let's try that again...
          - Geoff


          • SP5 on max2011 has gotten 3seconds slower -> 32,7secs instead of 29,8secs


            • Got a new record for 2010 doh:
              nvm my previous, forgot to set the lightcache threads to 24 it's only 0,1seconds slower...

              Last edited by Fenikscg; 05-05-2010, 07:18 PM.


              • What OS are you running to get all 24 cores to render? Windows Server 2008?
                Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                Midwest Studios


                • Windows 7 64bit. The only thing is you got to delete some dlls regarding hair and hairshaders from mentalray in order to startup max, something about max not supporting more then 16cores...


                  • In a benchmark, I'm not only interested in the time taken but in the "machine price/time taken" ratio too!

                    Please I would like to know how much it was for a dual six-core that renders in less than 30s.... (around 10 000$ I guess).

                    I just tried this scene with a one year old machine I built myself with parts from newegg. You can get this machine for around 2400$ us today. It's a dual Intel Xeon E5520 Nehalem 2.26GHz LGA 1366 80W Quad-Core Server Processor Model BX80602E5520 with 12GB of ram.
                    Here are the parts in detail for those interested. (price as of today)
                    So the price(USD)/time(s) ratio would be 40 for this one.

                    The second benchmark is with the machine I will regret all my life to buy. You will undesrtand why with the price ratio. It's an Apple Macpro with win 7 x64 with all the same specs as my Newegg. It cost me more than 5000 hard earned dollars .... And IT IS SLOWER!!!! And most of all they have the worst enterprise service I never heard of. It was an awful experience for me buying a macpro. Never again...
                    The price ratio would be around 83.... more than twice!

                    So I could have buy 2 workstations from newegg for the price of a macpro and get more than twice the power.

                    I also have an older Boxx workstation and a prehistoric Dell precision, if I render with them all on DR I get around 30s. I set the bucket to 32 instead of 64 to allow DR to distribute the work more easily... I hope you will excuse me.

                    Boxx and Dell are good machines with good service but their price for the same workstation I got from newegg would have been more than double that's why I don't buy from them anymore. I can build my own machine it's so easy and fun. And if I have a problem with a piece of hardware I just have to ship it back and I get a new one fast. Which is different from Apple who require you to go to the always crowded Apple store physically with your 1 ton macpro and wait in line all day even if you know the problem is just a tiny piece of ram!

                    So in conclusion here are the price/time ratio for my two main machines:
                    Newegg: 40 USD/s.
                    Macpro: 83 USD/s.
                    And I guess this ratio for a Dell dual six-cores would be around a whopping 409 USD/s. (10 000 USD$/24.4s)!!!

                    p.s. when I open the scene, it ask to choose between keeping the old settings or the new one... I chose to keep the old ones. I think some people whose render looks lighter chose to change for the new settings, which would be slower to render because of the highlights being brighter.
                    Last edited by jstrob; 09-05-2010, 12:30 PM.


                    Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                    Little Antman
                    See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                    Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


                    • jstrob

                      I completely agree about Mac Pros. We have two of them at work. One is 54xx and another 55xx. They are getting rapped by quad opteron 8360 I built in November for $2355. Some parts were second hand though.

                      Quad 8360: 57 USD/s


                      • Jstrob, the workstation costs about 7000euros.
                        I don't completely agree on your theory cause the workstation is more then the cpu that the vray benchmark is based on.
                        It includes 2 quadro fx3800 cards (which will surely come in handy when vray goes gpu -- at least I hope so), has SAS 3Gbs 15000RPM harddisks and 24gigs of ram.

                        You'd better take for example cinbench or 3Dmark results to compare price versus power wich are more complete.


                        • ops I just realized those numbers (USD/s.) are irrelevant.... We don't want to divide the price by the time taken, We should multiply them and maybe divide by a thousand and make a round number to get a a result we can memorize... We want both values to be small so dividing was not ok...

                          something like:
                          my Newegg: 2400$*59.5s/1000= 143
                          Macpro: 5000$*59.9s/1000 = 300

                          alvius's quad 8360: 2355$*42.3s/1000 = 100

                          Dell dual six-core: 7000EUROS=> 9000USD*24.4s/1000 = 220

                          Ok that's a better comparison. Sorry for my bad previous post.

                          And so finally you are winner alvius with the quad opteron. and the macpro is the looser in those one.

                          I wonder if we should still avoid mixing intel and amd in a render farm. I remember many years ago I was told mixing amd and intel in a farm could result in different results from frame to frame. Is it still true?
                          Last edited by jstrob; 09-05-2010, 04:01 PM.


                          Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                          Little Antman
                          See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                          Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


                          • Fenikscg
                            Wow that's a hell of a workstation! Yes i agree there is a difference between a workstation and a render slave. I was comparing only with render slaving in mind. and for sure when the gpu will render everything like the cpu (motion blur and all) those comparisons will have to be made again. And this way of comparing tells you which one is the lower in term of Vray render time and money but does not tell you if it is really worth paying more for other purposes.
                            Last edited by jstrob; 09-05-2010, 04:09 PM.


                            Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                            Little Antman
                            See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                            Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


                            • We could call that the vrayRTime-price per thousand index!And now WHO can beat Alvius's 100?


                              Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                              Little Antman
                              See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                              Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


                              • 8 cores nehalem processors are out
                                Anyone will benchmark those?:

                                I will wait a bit I think...


                                Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                                Little Antman
                                See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                                Some RnD involving PhoenixFD

