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NEW Benchmark scene (Max 8 Vray RC3 required)

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  • I did that scene in vray final

    6400x4800px + 3000 LC subd.+ GI present "high" in 13 min

    I am sure I can speed it up a bit more

    longest part was the LC of 7min

    yes DR without spawner is cool
    Last edited by QuakeMarine1; 28-01-2009, 07:11 AM.
    - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
    RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
    just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


    • the purpose of a benchmark is that everyone is doing the exact same scene with the same settings

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • yes sure but a cluster of 800 cores need longer to laod the scene then rendering in that resolution

        anyway - was just horny to post results
        - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
        RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
        just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


        • Originally posted by Da_elf View Post
          ive got a tower scene hanging about somewhere
          So what ever happened to the tower? and the "other" Da


          • Originally posted by QuakeMarine1 View Post
            yes sure but a cluster of 800 cores need longer to laod the scene then rendering in that resolution

            anyway - was just horny to post results
            Are you using strips? or windows cluster or something?

            Should let it render on a single machine to compare
            Eric Boer


            • no stripe nor "cluster" in real meaning

              I have my own way to DR which is still in developement
              most problem is the LC. it can not be distributed
              and GImap must fit togehter so stripe render is not possible
              without LC/GI the scene render 3 min including max startup and loading
              onced all is polished I have a "surprice" for all the guys outhere doing print stills

              8core 20ghz pc need 66min for the image
              - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
              RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
              just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


              • Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure what exactly it is you're doing!? Maybe best to start another thread on the subject as its not really relevant to this one

                Look forward to seeing your new approach to DR!
                Patrick Macdonald
                Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


                • exactly, me too, want to know your type of dr or cluster do you use ...
                  is it possible to use it with other program ? like realflow or fumefx ? to use a cluster to simulate scenes that can't simulate by network ?
                  3LP Team


                  • Originally posted by rmejia View Post
                    So what ever happened to the tower? and the "other" Da
                    which one??? this one?? hehehehee

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • Originally posted by re:FORM View Post
                      I7 920 @ 3.55Ghz 12Gb ram.
                      Time - 1:04.2
                      Patrick, thats slower than my time, did you change the number of passes from 4 to 8 in the lightcache?


                      • I did. What time are you achieving at what clock speed? What speed are you running your ram at too? Care to share your OC settings?
                        I'm not too hot with overclocking, so I'm probably limiting my performance with some bad settings somewhere.

                        I'm running max under vista home premium x64 if you think that makes any difference.
                        Many Thanks


                        • The time was 0:58:9 @ 3360mhz.

                          I'm not exactly hot either at this!
                          All I set was the-
                          BCLK to 160
                          DRAM Freq to 1333 (or as close as, im using 1333mhz ram)
                          CPU volts to 1.375
                          and set the ram timing's manually back to the default timing's which on my ram is 9,9,9,24.
                          everything else default.

                          I'm on vista business 64bit.
                          If I leave everything at default (no OCing) it renders at 1:10. What are you getting on default settings?

                          Hope that helps,


                          • ::jow
                            Can You say more about your machine (the more exact configuration) ram, mainboard, the cooling etc.

                            my machine WinXP x64, 8GB ram
                            Q6600 @ 3960 Mhz - 1:17,7



                            • Sure,
                              Ram- corsair XMS 1333 mhz
                              MB- asus P6T deluxe
                              Cooling- Noctua NH-U12P dual fan


                              • Thought I would post some times with my new machine.
                                Attached Files

                                "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."

