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VRAY is the buggiest software i have EVER used!

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  • #31
    jesse, find finalrender public forum or try to use finalRender stage1 yourself and you'll understand what is really crap, raw "plug".


    • #32
      Originally posted by guest
      jesse, find finalrender public forum or try to use finalRender stage1 yourself and you'll understand what is really crap, raw "plug".
      lets not go there......



      • #33
        I once had a CPU running too hot and it caused all sorts of unexplicable problems. Funny enough it was mainly when rendering (on other apps, before I got Vray), guess it was to do with the fact that rendering is one of the few things that pushes a CPU to 100%.

        I would say that Vray is one of the most stable progs on my system, but then my scenes are usually relatively simple.


        • #34
          Speaking of computers and crashes.....
          ....I have single Athlon 1.4Ghz, with 512 MB ram, teperatures around 60s and 70s and the system is just so stable, never got a crash in MAX or vray....although I am rendering stills, maybe I would have probs with animations....

          ...anyways Vray is much more stable and reliable than brazil, which is amazing considering it is in its early stages....


          • #35
            Re: VRAY is the buggiest software i have EVER used!

            Originally posted by Jesse
            i dont know how you guys can sell this crap cause everytime i try to render my scene i get some kind of error or crash....and this was with any version...get your sh*t together and make a solid product!

            Anyways...thats it...i love the quality of the renders but everytime i render an animation it either give me errors where is doesnt draw a region right or gives me some stupid email VLADO about this CPP line...

            i think you guys should work on making this plug STABLE over anything else...

            buy finalrender stage-1

            vray will look like a bug virgin then.


            • #36

              HAHA! i have used finalrender...and i know all about it! nice quality renders though...if you know what your doing...but a bug fest for sure....

              i still cant belive it was a heat issue!

              Anyways! Cheers!
              Jesse Van Dubberke


              • #37
                Hope now your animation is rendering ok....

                BTW, could you show it to us? I'm just curious...



                • #38

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #39
                    Here ya go!

                    YEAH...actually the animation is like 40 megs..but i can post a couple of screens...let me know whatcha think...

                    Cheers! to VRAY!

                    and i hope this loads!

                    HERE is a test render frame...i think i am gonna rework the camera make the fly through shot more interesting...the mars environment scrolls out side the windows...and i am adding sand storm clouds to the outside too...should be very pretty when totally complete...[/img]
                    Jesse Van Dubberke


                    • #40
                      Attempt number deux!

                      ok i dont think those will work so i will try posting them on my server...its slow but those free webservice providers are bitchs!



                      Jesse Van Dubberke


                      • #41
                        Man I cant get anything right!

                        Jesse Van Dubberke


                        • #42
                          and i am reworking that middle scene too! its gonna rock when i am done...going to have that my female character in a cryotube when the camera pans in then the water drain and reveal her...and i am try to get real fluid dynamics going too...with raytrace and refraction! then the robo-probers fly in and start working on her!
                          Jesse Van Dubberke


                          • #43
                            i was wondering if vlado responds to the errors or if they are just being gathered to find bugs? I sent vlado a scene and error log a few weeks ago just wondering if he responds? Because i know they are busy so i figured they dont. It to was during a massive deadline here at my firm so i just had to deal wiht it and figure out another method.. i found that i had to many ies lights and deleted a bunch and it worked but i am curious about whether or not i would get a resposne when i send the error logs?


                            • #44
                              without wanting to start an amd/p4 war, just a quick note to say that we've practically removed amd's from the normal work flow due to heat problems...
                              Digital Progression


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DP
                                without wanting to start an amd/p4 war, just a quick note to say that we've practically removed amd's from the normal work flow due to heat problems...
                                They're nice to have during the winter though. I don't have a heater in my office.
                                Torgeir Holm |

