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Cheatsheet: How to get a Cleaner image with SP3

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  • I always do that, but in fact it may well be useless for the VRay Sky.
    Because it's procedurally generated, and the brightest part is always by the sun disk, I'd assume "importance sampling" is automatic, in this case.
    I have *not* tested the difference though, specifically.
    I can't recall it behaving any differently when not in a dome, however, for cleanliness or speed.

    I'll try it out.
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


    • Aaand i was wrong.
      Putting the sky into a domelight WILL help AND render quicker.
      Soon it won't matter as importance sampling will be performed directly on the texture into the background slot, so do not go to town with automation scripts just yet...
      Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

      The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


      • in fact, look here:

        The dome plugin will check for a background map being used, and in the case will instance it into the texturemap and make the environment not use the texturemap (ticks "use map" off.).
        It doesn't change the other environment settings, though, so watch for the environment color if it's different than its black default.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • Right now I'm preparing some final shots to send to the render farm for the weekend. I'm rendering some interior shots of a villa using complex forest pro exterior from the exterior shots. I have 4 portal lights set to simple mode, thus ignoring the surrounding greenery and bringing in more light. The light setup was prepared on the interior only, so it renders pretty much the same in the final scene in terms of lighting. The question is, how would it be possible to use the sky in the dome light in conjunction with the portal lights without using any map in the environment slot? If I mapped the lights (instanced) with the vray sky, would it retain it's world origin orientation no matter how i positioned the lights?


          • I have no idea, i'd have to set up a test and try it out.
            Ideally yes, and if not, the lighting change would have to be quite dramatic and noticeable.
            Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

            The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


            • Thanks for the concise explanation, Lele
              Hristo Velev
              MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
              Sofia, Bulgaria


              • Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                I assume you're here because you want to get rid of noise, and are prepared to render for a bit longer to achieve that.

                You can safely concentrate on two parameters only:

                • Max AA Subdivs
                • Noise Threshold/Color Threshold*

                You will also need a SampleRate render element to decide how to proceed (it adds nothing to rendertime.).

                There are just two simple rules:
                1. If the SampleRate shows blue in the noisy areas, lower noise threshold
                2. If the SampleRate shows red in the noisy areas, raise max AA subdivs

                That's it: you can now kick back and relax, and V-Ray will do the hard work.

                Attached it's a simple CheatSheet which illustrates the process.


                Cheatsheet in full size (the forum resized it.)


                * there is an inconsistency in naming the same parameter for the adaptive and progressive AA modes.
                I always refer to the control shown in these two screenshots, not the global DMC one, which as of sp3 should be left to its defaults:

                Sorry for bring up this post, may i now could i apply this setting to vray 2.40.04?
                Best regards,
                Jackie Teh

                3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
                AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090


                • I don't think so, it is for VRay 3.4+ i believe.
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                  • Originally posted by Oleg_Budeanu View Post
                    I don't think so, it is for VRay 3.4+ i believe.
                    "SP3", so 3.3+.

                    It cannot be achieved with any version prior to 3.3, due to the completely reworked sampler from that version onwards.
                    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                    • I'm trying to follow this on Vray 3.5 but for the life of me I cant seem to find the (Adaptive Image Sampler) All I see is (Image Sampler)? Also I don't see the Color threshold either? I have all dialoge boxses on expert. Have they been renamed since this post was started? IS the color threshold the noise control in the Global DMC rollout? Sorry very confused on this


                      • adaptive image sampler is now the image sampler, and the color threshold is now the noise threshold



                        • and the color threshold is now the noise threshold
                          Cecil Thanks for responding! But still confused as to which Noise Threshold is the color threshold? Is it the one in the Image Sampler or Global DMC? Thanks


                          • Hello,

                            For most cases it is best to leave all the Global DMC settings at their defaults and only change the noise threshold in the Image Sampler.

                            Best regards,
                            Yavor Rubenov
                            V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                            • Originally posted by julianb View Post
                              Very helpful thread, thank you for that...
                              Just a question though:
                              Could it be that sometimes the old way of tweaking the scene (where we had control over material and light samples) is more beneficial than the new way (where the samples are greyed out for both materials and light)? And by beneficial I mean speedy. I decided to follow Rens approach for now where he:

                              - sets the max subdivs at first to a high number (32 in my case)
                              - lowers the color threshold until happy with the noise value
                              - lowers the max subdivs until happy with the red values in the Sample Rate element

                              Is the purpose of the new approach to greatly reduce tweaking only? Or does it always provide more speedy noise-free renders too?
                              Maybe I have overseen the answer, but I can't find it. After reading a lot of threads and posts I'm not sure about speed&quality per new workflow too. I'm rendering 8k train interiors all days. My render times at Vray3.2 are approx. 20..30min (Dual Xeon 32x3GHz). I'm using LC+IM. My scene doesn't show a lot of small details. I need fast rendered plastic walls/ground/ceiling, a few anodized metal, steel, glass. I'm happy with the render times per IrMap and longer render times are not good for the mass of images within the tight deadlines. At 8k my IM max rate is -2, small details are refined by ambient AO or DE. Can I really expect faster render times per BF+LC and Vray 3.4?

                              At VfR3 beta is no "use local subdiv" option and options like detail enhancement seem to be not implemented anymore. Is this the future of Vray, the interpolation methods and manual user control will not available anymore? My tests gave me longer render times per Vray 3.4 and more noise. Speed options are gone (for example IM interpolation for reflection/refrac) or I don't have a control anymore. Will be there 3dsmax with full control only and other plugins will be without full advanced control? I'm devastated to see my main work tool castrated.
                     ... visualization for designer and architects


                              • Originally posted by Micha View Post
                                Maybe I have overseen the answer, but I can't find it. After reading a lot of threads and posts I'm not sure about speed&quality per new workflow too. I'm rendering 8k train interiors all days. My render times at Vray3.2 are approx. 20..30min (Dual Xeon 32x3GHz). I'm using LC+IM. My scene doesn't show a lot of small details. I need fast rendered plastic walls/ground/ceiling, a few anodized metal, steel, glass. I'm happy with the render times per IrMap and longer render times are not good for the mass of images within the tight deadlines. At 8k my IM max rate is -2, small details are refined by ambient AO or DE. Can I really expect faster render times per BF+LC and Vray 3.4?.

                                At VfR3 beta is no "use local subdiv" option and options like detail enhancement seem to be not implemented anymore. Is this the future of Vray, the interpolation methods and manual user control will not available anymore? My tests gave me longer render times per Vray 3.4 and more noise. Speed options are gone (for example IM interpolation for reflection/refrac) or I don't have a control anymore. Will be there 3dsmax with full control only and other plugins will be without full advanced control? I'm devastated to see my main work tool castrated
                                The "advanced control" is built into the 3.3+ approaches.
                                You say castrated, i say empowered.
                                Either way, less distractions, to keep with the usually kind critical metaphor, and more time devoted to getting work done.
                                Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                                The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.

