Hey guys,
It's time to close this thread and open a new one. For those requests that are not already fulfilled, I would kindly ask you to enter them again in the "New feature ideas 2" thread. It will help us to see which ones are still important to you so we can prioritize our development plans.
Here are some of the requests that are already done in the official V5 and coming in Update 1:
There a lot of things on the way from your list, but I don't want to promise anything for now.
Please continue in the next thread
It's time to close this thread and open a new one. For those requests that are not already fulfilled, I would kindly ask you to enter them again in the "New feature ideas 2" thread. It will help us to see which ones are still important to you so we can prioritize our development plans.
Here are some of the requests that are already done in the official V5 and coming in Update 1:
Automatic Light Selects - done (LightMix) Coat layer for VRaymtl - done LightMix - done VRayCameraLister - coming in Update 1 Mtl Library - done Better Material Preview - done (we’ll try to improve it if possible) Fast way to preview LUTs in the VFB - done Additive dome lights - coming in Update 1 UVW randomization texture - done Mtl Override with preserve functions - coming in Update 1 VRayMultiSubTex randomize per element and random hue/gamma - done Export displaced mesh to vrmesh - almost done Masking in VFB2 - coming in Update 1 Better scene rendering stats - done (improvement coming in Update 1) Draggable/editable render region - done Editable VFB2 hotkeys - coming in Update 1 Random (stochastic) tiling - done Tone mapper - done Background to be ignored by LUT - VFB2 shouldn't have this issue
Please continue in the next thread
