fixeighted kosso_olli Thank you for your feedback. Excuse the lack of direct answers, however, your replies were considered. Regarding the issue, the "future sampling" so to speak is due to the interval center parameter, which you can modify above the -1/1 UI limitations via MaxScript. In kosso_olli's scene, setting a positive bias and a negative interval center (i.e. -50 for a duration of 100f) should produce the desired effect. The MaxScript to control the interval center's value is:
Buck A similar setup on your setup should produce your desired result. However, in Maya, it's a tad more complicated since the interval center is locked as a value (I'll talk to the devs to make it take custom values). There is a workaround, which is exporting a .vrscene and rendering through the Standalone application. To export a custom interval center value you may either edit the "interval_center" line in the exported .vrscene or use the following post-translate python script for a direct edit of the .vrscene through Maya and afterward render with Standalone:
EDIT: I've logged an improvement request (internal bug-tracker id: VMAYA-10017) to remove the value limitation of the interval center parameter.
from vray.utils import * smb = findByType('SettingsMotionBlur')[0] smb.set('interval_center', -50)