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VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

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  • #16
    Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

    Personally, I feel that all of those values would be useful to fine tune displacement and rendertimes (maybe the Shift function to a lesser extent). Maybe it would be possible to have a seperate displacement effect in the texture mapping types, so that those functions wouldn't clutter the material UI. Or just have it on a per object basis.
    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


    • #17
      Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

      Guys I would like if you make this new release heavily advertised and presented (new features, pictures, fanncy text) look whats Maxwell doing as we speak...


      • #18
        Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

        Originally posted by dalomar
        Personally, I feel that all of those values would be useful to fine tune displacement and rendertimes (maybe the Shift function to a lesser extent). Maybe it would be possible to have a seperate displacement effect in the texture mapping types, so that those functions wouldn't clutter the material UI. Or just have it on a per object basis.
        I think, a color offset for textures could be great for any cases. Example: a graphic artist send me textures for bicycle design. He use a black ground color in combination with additional graphics. He use black with value 0 and white with value 255. Per texture multiplier I can cut down the white value at 80%, but the black value is much to low. A real world color with 0% reflectance dosn't exist - it would be a cosmic black hole. If I could set a offset, than I could adpt the 2D graphic design to the 3D color usage. Most color system works in a range from 0 .. 100%, but this not physical correct and not the best for rendering. - visualization for designer and architects


        • #19
          Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1


          Why don't you just adjust this via levels in photoshop. Bring the dark values up from 0 to 51 (20% of 255) and the bright values down from 255 to 204, or am I not understanding what you're trying to achieve. It seams like thats a texture prep thing to me. It should be possible to automate it and do a batch process in PS, so this wouldn't be that big of a deal anyway.
          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


          • #20
            Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

            Originally posted by dalomar
            Why don't you just adjust this via levels in photoshop. ...
            The same reason like I don't want to do it for displacement: workflow and 8bit leveling. Only I want to say, if it could be implemented for displacement, than it could be used for other texture stuff too.
   - visualization for designer and architects


            • #21
              Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

              I don't think what your asking for is the same thing that the shift feature does.

              Shift - this specifies a constant, which will be added to the displacement map values, effectively shifting the displaced surface up and down along the normals. This can be either positive or negative.
              In other words if you have your displacement map and set the depth of the displacement (distance from black to white basically), a white value would be that distance away from the original surface and the black value would be at the level of the original surface. The shift feature would allow you to shift that relationship, so for instance the white value would be 3/4 of the depth above the surface and the black value would be 1/4 of the depth below the surface. What your asking for is to actually shift the actual colors which this feature doesn't do.
              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


              • #22
                Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                Now I'm confused. I think, the intensity multiplier is good for scale the displacement and an offset value is needed to shift this range.

                y= multiplier * pixelcolorvalue + offsetshift

                This kind of control could be used for displacement and correction of textures.
       - visualization for designer and architects


                • #23
                  Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                  The features that Joe posted are specific to displacement and work on the actual creation of the displaced mesh. The first part of your equation "multiplier * pixelcolorvalue" is a texture operation. The second part of the equation "+ offsetshift" is done through moving the mesh up or down the normal of the surface. The values in the texture themselves never get changed or adjusted because the shift acts on the mesh, not the texture. I'll try to post some examples of this later on today. (I'll have to do it in Max)
                  Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                  • #24
                    Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                    Ah, thank you for the infos. I thought, the offset is done per texture color offset.
           - visualization for designer and architects


                    • #25
                      Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                      So here's your visual explanation... The important info is in the frame stamps


                      original box

                      default displacement

                      Shift inwards

                      Shift outwards

                      As you can see the effect of the map itself doesn't change, only where the effect takes place in respect to the normals of the original box
                      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                      • #26
                        Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                        Thank you for the examples. Interesting. I suppose so, a color offset could look same, because the geometry will not changed. An example gap color difference of 20 is with and without a color offset the same - 20.
                        The idea, that it could be a textur color modification I got by this displacment interface:
               - visualization for designer and architects


                        • #27
                          Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                          From working with the displacement in Max (I hadn't touched it in a number of months), it has become apparent that displacement needs to have some sort of supplementary interface. Simply having the intensity multiplier would not be enough. I think a possible alternative is to have it work much like the rdk displacement does, in that its an option from within the properties box but with our modifiers. This however, might be a bit cumbersome to implement. A possibly easier, and maybe better, alternative would to have a separate displacement option in the texture editor. That way it could be controlled at the material level and would be contained when making/exporting/importing materials. Its just that a simple texture doesn't really have the flexibility thats needed to get a proper result, and the intensity multiplier is too arbitrary and changes based on scene units/model scale. Displacement is one of the best ways to get very good physical-like effects, and it would be a shame if it couldn't be utilized effectively.
                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                          • #28
                            Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                            I agree ... let us wait a little, if the SR is out, we can talk about the details.
                   - visualization for designer and architects


                            • #29
                              Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                              I'm trying VfR4 beta1 but i cannot find any of these options for displacement?!
                              Only material displacement, no per-object control....

                              ...also what do you mean with per-object environments? I can't find nothing related to this.



                              • #30
                                Re: VfR4 / VfR3 SR1

                                OMG VfRh4 !!! At last!!! So, the bug hunt continues

                                P.S. BTW nice forum style!
                                I just can't seem to trust myself
                                So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                                CG Artist

