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Anybody interested in sharing render fees?

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  • #16
    If you are an architect and do not make 3 to 4 K per year, you should move. where do you live? Starting salary for a student out of architecture school, is about 32,000 Here in Texas, that is with no licensce and no experience. Minium wage is more than 3-4 K......


    • #17
      what can i say man, im not alone, this is one of the beauties of living in a third world country slowly going down the gutter thanks to our dictator disguessed as President same thing happens with millions of others down here in southamerica (Venezuela , my case).

      However, even though our ridiculous salaries, is not like i walk out there naked and live in a cave, our cost of living is way cheaper than in the United States or any other 1 world country, what we pay for electricity, gas, house, food, etc it could be 5 time lesser than what you pay, but stills is a crappy salary for a professional and it wont let me do a looooooooooooooooot of things.


      • #18
        Sorry, I havn't been to europe for years, what is the US Dollar exange rate for the Euro now?
        I work in the US for an architect and currentlly all our CG fees are bundeled into the design fee. We are not charging any additional fee for my work. We see this as a way of offering superior service to our clients and give our office an edge over other firms that may have to outsorce their CG.
        I can see how this may be hurting freelancers. Maybe its worth discussing the idea of charging an additional fee for CG. Its interesting to see this trend in other firms.
        There are freelancers in our area that charge $800-1200 per still image and it goes up from there for an animation.
        But Viscacha is right, architects always seem to want to change things once they see their design in 3D.


        • #19
          That is what i figured Jedisalf, U probably don't pay 1000 in rent each month, everything is usually relative to salary as far as expenses. Hey from Venezuela very cool i think the Viscacha (the real animal lives down there i have never seen a real one except in pictures) It seems the rates vary all over the world.


          • #20
            Originally posted by BBullo
            Sorry, I havn't been to europe for years, what is the US Dollar exange rate for the Euro now?
            1$ = 0.828012ā‚¬


            • #21
              yeah, this is a very interesting tread (wrong forum )....but it's cool because it shows the different realities all over the world.

              @ jedisalf:
              yeah 3 to 4 k per single image rendering......but as I mentioned above...when the client pays 25 to 30 milion in fees for design/services...then 4k per image is not very much actually.....especailly if they need to sell that idea to their clients...whether goverment officials or costumers..

              architects always seem to want to change things once they see their design in 3D.
              that's the ultimate truth about the arch viz biz, especially when dealing directly w/ the architect.......sometimes the amount of changes can be really rediculous, seems that the more realistic and detailed a rendering is the more chages they almost makes me wanna rendering everything w/ a toonshader :P



              • #22
                Cocolas is right again!!!! we actual started doing just that with the toon shader. We bought finalToon, which is nice but now i see in the next release of Vray it will have a toon shader, if they could have only released it a month ago. We have had great feedback from the architects they seem to like it too.
                The craziest rerender we have had to do was for signage on the front of a building the name read "George Washington" (name was changed to protect the client) and they could not image what it would look like with a middle intial in it..."George W. Washington" Thank Goodness for


                • #23
                  yeah....I know what you mean about crazy changes....and the sad thing is that when the client sees a rendering they love it...but those not satisfied or overly picky become the people inside the office...especially interior designers...I have this one in our Chicago office....a total bi*tch from hell. :P .....never satisfied...even when the client like the work.....

                  but what can you do......luckily most of the desingers and clients I deal w/ are quite understanding and happy w/ what we give them....and most ask if chages to be made will take a long time...if so they just ask me to skip them if they are minor....



                  • #24
                    I'm sorry I started this in the wrong forum but it seems that this got great attention here, hehe!.

                    I guess this shows the difference between first world and the third, and sad to say I live in the third, but the living expenses in the northern part of MĆ©xico, specially Monterrey are almost the same as in Texas.

                    Jedisalf, sorry to here about the conditions in Venezuela, I see it on the news avery day, and I agree with you about "President" ChƔvez, I wouldn't like to have him as President either. You are welcomed to come to MƩxico any time!


                    • #25
                      IĀ“m going to Texas tomorrow :P


                      • #26
                        I think that as time passes there will be a general "stabilizing" of prices world wide......once outsourcing becimes more and more prominent.

                        which could be good for some and bad for others...

                        in the US, there are a lot of complpanies that are still "afraid" of outsourcing...and/or hire local people to do 3d......often is also from a desing process stand point, the architect wants to have someone there to talk to as changes are made...rather tne 50,000 miles away in a different country......I suppose it changes from company to company and person to person.....



                        • #27
                          guys, one question, How do you usually deal with models? what data do you receive from architects???? in which format???

                          Because I imagine that sort of things are the ones that make your job more or less hard, longer, etc.




                          • #28
                            I usually ask for Autocad files, if not thereĀ“s an extra charge for redrawing the plans.


                            • #29
                              But an Autocad 2D plan, or a 3D model?


                              • #30

