Oh my God !!!
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From KZ. #3
To Neo2k1: The more objects the less than color bleeding
After opening both images in PS, the color sampler tool tells that in Saluto's image, the ceiling and the wall oposite to the light source are slightly blueish, while the other image shows various colors (red, orange, yellow, blue etc.) in the same areas.
Paradoxical, since the complete scene has more materials, thus more colors... unless Saluto has done some post. Hmm...
Saluto : do you first render the IrrMap with all materials set to white or so, then assign the complete materials and render with the saved IrrMap, then finally do some color adjustment in Photoshop (or other)?
Hi saluto,
Amazing work , i've never seen such high quality of work before. whats impressing me most are the curtains , how realistic. in fact im facing problems havin such curtains in an indoor scene with a sunlight coming from the outside . i just want to ask you if you can please post ur curtain's settings concerning the material of the curtains , and if there are settings about the light too , that help getting such a high quality result for the curtains.
thx anyway saluto,
nice work again.
Alkonst of the rights. All on fair. In photoshop has adjusted only sharpness.
File with an example of illumination and with materials and shaders (Including curtains) :
Render can differ a little from mine for the lack of furniture and other things.
One more (fifth) variant of this private office. Furniture has thought up itself. The client himself does not know that wants. Output size: 3840õ2880. Only Ir map. Render time: 10h 22m.
Thank saluto for sharing..
You see guy's there is no magical way, just standard stuff.
you did saluto.. and thank you for clearing that up.. your renders are superp due to a good light amount and superb modelling... well done
a question for you saluto:
do you calculate the global photon map with only the walls, the ceiling a the floor or with all the furnitures do you inserted in the scene?
thanks for answer
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