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New Renderer from NextLimit, Maxwell Render

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  • #46
    I would like to see how it does at simulating artificial light. There was one image that showed a number of samples with brightness values, but that doesn't really show what it is capable of in a real world type of scene.
    Surreal Structures


    • #47
      i agree with geddart...nothing wrong with the nikon has grain too and it looks great.
      the skylight thing looks very interesting.
      i find it hard to recreate nice warm outdoor lighting with vray.
      with colorful indoors it's easier to get away with not-so-perfect lighting.
      Marc Lorenz
      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


      • #48
        I love the look of the images, and I love the idea of all these options in materials, and glares in renders instead of post!

        I even would buy it just as a toy, as an experiment.
        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


        • #49
          The only thing interesting on Maxwell at the moment is, that it harden my theory:

          While Chaos is doing the Maya release of Vray and spend nearly no time on Vray 1.5 Max, others take the claim Vray had in the Max community.

          The good thing is: We get a new excellent render that brings us far from the Maya User that still have to work with old Vray.

          The bad thing is: We have to spend money again and will go true all that bugs and beta stuff again, till we have the features we like.

          So, we will see what Maxwell and Brazil 2.0 brings and if Vray 1.5 comes in the right moment. I think it will get interesting at the end of the year. Oh, Mentalray is coming with a new Version too...




          • #50
            While Chaos is doing the Maya release of Vray and spend nearly no time on Vray 1.5 Max, others take the claim Vray had in the Max community.
            i just have to ask what the heck your trying to say here? sounds like your saying chaos guys are only working on vray for maya and not version 1.5. you really should do a little more research about whats going on with vray before saying something like that

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #51
              we all wait for on update since 2 years!

              So, how does this look to you?

              Else, Chaos does everything to keep us think that the next Version comes in a view days... well, they keep us thinking that for a reason! Imagen how good Vray is done and then try to understand how a man like Vlado needs 2 years only to do some small features in 1.5 ? No, way!

              Well, I can't tell for sure. But, why they do 1.5, a Maya Version and the Standalone at the same time?
              Simple, because everything is one project. They want to make one new Version of Vray. But have anyone seen a render working for Maya and Max at the moment that supports all the feature we want? Even MentalRay with a long time relationship, lot of developers and a great community hasn't all that stuff working. Yet, think they need 2 month to make ... let's say Maya Fur working... In the same time they tell us about ... hm, the new Fur Tool in Vray (that is not worth a cent at the moment). Just to keep us on line...

              Again, I tell only my personal opinion and it's not my fault that it's negative. If you bring up something positiv (like a final Vray 1.5) I would change it, maybe.




              • #52
                a: oppinions should be stated as oppinions. the way you typed it makes it seem like cold hard fact that vlado and peter are not working on vray 1.5 but they are working on the stand alone fulltime. which isnt true as all since they stated plainly that they are working on 1.5 and not the stand alone.
                b: have you really been waiting 2 years for a vray update? wow. i wonder what version you must be using and i also wonder why you didnt just do like everyone else and update your version when newer ones came out. or do you prefer to jump from vray 1.0 directly to 1.5. i sure pitty you when it comes to learning all the new things that have been added since then.
                c: How does it look to me? Im a vray user who constantly sees posts in here about the advancement of vray and as a tester i also get to experience 1st hand that advancement. i know not everyone gets to but vlado and peter do get a copy out to the public.

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #53
                  Hi Robert.

                  For me theese statements allways sound a bit as if you only look at a number.

                  Sure, vray 1.5 was stated long ago. but !

                  the features inside are far behind many things that where announced earlier. its not only they re realy straight forward, and as da elf says vlado and peter are realy working hard on it, but vray wouldnt have any more chance on the market , if vlado and peter would stop building in those highend features by time.
                  they have to deal very hard with a discreet support that is increadible bad. sending emails to get nessesair answers for pluginsupport and dont get any answers in time.
                  never the less we have by far the fastest renderer for architectural interiaors at this time, supporting nearly any feature you realy need. and those are different ones for differnt tasks, so everyone with different needs gets what he want (not everyone needs rendertimemeshsmooth or furr, but those who need are realy lucky).

                  your statements and they are statements and not only a opinnion the way you tell them, is, that they don´t go on with 1.5 but they do as i know as a betatester very hard.

                  and as i can tell you they also have a fantastic support, in real difficult situations making "personal bugfixes" if they have any chance.
                  HI thank you again Vlado

                  and also they have for most an fantastic forum, with a real nice group of users, allways (most time) friendly and allways willing to lend you a helping hand.

                  hmm .

                  at last , lets see what maxwelll has for rendertimes. and after this the competition can go on.



                  • #54
                    i get bored by peeps who have access to the latest internal builds, telling other to have patience.

                    no personal offense tom but this is getting odd and old.

                    i would not complain if i think this delays are because of unforseen problems.

                    but we saw this happen with v1.1 and nobody on earth can tell me that the may 2004 release date was in any form feasible.

                    we are promised to a get printed manual and a full helpfile for ages.

                    no matter if you want/need a printed manual, no matter that we have a updated manual now. all this stuff takes to long when they promise it.

                    if i say to a client, i can do the job in 3 weeks and i need 6 then my client will be pissed. period.

                    there is no question that vray is a great renderer, no doubt the guys doing a great job coding all this features.

                    but the way chaosgroup tries to get customers with utopistic release dates/vapourware, is annoying.


                    • #55
                      I don't know if it helps to see your post or if it frustrate.

                      It helps as I see two posts of people seeing Vray improve.

                      It frustrate as we can't say that the support is good or that we see any production ready tools coming. As I know Vray 1.45 has still the same problems as 1.09. Ok, haven't seen the final of course. For Example: We haven't got a response to Bug reported by mail since 1 year.

                      Else, you can't imagen how frustrating it is to make big Projects with a render that hadn't been improved since 2 years. I really would like to see a intermedia release, instead of waiting 2 years.

                      Ok, and one point. Discreet support is not bad, I'm a hard time user of Max sinc 8 years (yes since the first beta) and I'm part of the beta as well as other discreet development groups. The support is as good as it can be. Do you think Brazil or Cebas have better conections? You are wrong if you think so.

                      As allways, it's my opinion. I'm sorry only for that guys that work on Vray and can't express so we don't have to critizis them that way.



                      PS: Vray 1.09 was uploaded in januar 2003 (almost two years) the latest build came last year. Vray 1.45 open beta is not ready to production.
                      - Nobody is happy about fur at the moment.
                      - We are not all architects


                      • #56
                        hmm. on my download page i see 1.09.03r being released march 19 2004 which is a max6 update then there is 1.09.03n which is november 2003. Im not sure what you were looking at. maybe the original 1.09.00 or something beats me.

                        this will explain to you whats been done to vray since 1.09.00 or whatever your using. and you say vray 1.45 has the same bugs as 1.09 care to elaborate?
                        latest upade to help file is october 2004 so the help file looks pretty up to date as well so not sure why john cant find his help file.

                        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                        stupid questions the forum can answer.


                        • #57
                          why oh why do you keep on with your nagging.
                          Its a waste of time. If you are a 'professional user' wich i guess you are then you have to think.....hmm i dont like what this software is offering, ok aha. will there come anything better ( update ) just now...hmm no i've conlcuded there wont...aha maybe i should look around to find something more suitable, yes its plain dumb to sit on my behind and nag about missing stuff the next year or so when i instead should be doing my job. Either you find software more suited for your needs or you dont. If you dont i guess you got the best on the market _why oh why_ do you then spend so much time here complaining......what is your motivation ?

                          its not that i want to be loyal or a 'fanboy' I've just concluded that vray suit my needs better than others available too me ( for the time being )


                          • #58
                            why oh why do you keep on with your nagging.
                            dude... he has nothing better to do. We have an artist like that... keeps complaining about the tools not working. Then when he started complaining about the room, it gave us the perfect opportunity to put him in another room where the best way he could complain was through emails. But that is what email filters are for. I wonder if there is a way in the forum software to program it to ignore posts from certain users?

                            Good artists make art... bad artist complain about their tools.


                            • #59
                              are you looking for a replacement? hehe

                              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                              • #60
                                are you looking for a replacement? hehe
                                demo reel...

                                check here:

