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New build available - VRay 1.09.03a

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  • #61

    ad 1 There is a script called clean cut that deals with exactly that problem
    ad 2.) and 3.) Yes, in crowded scenes it gets difficult to select certain objects. Max has the tendency to select the backmost object in the viewport. Using the selection floater is a big help there

    Stefan Kubicek


    • #62
      Originally posted by A_K
      2Long John

      don't wanna start a war around here but
      better not, then it looks like you have no clue about max.

      the peeps above me gave you a few answers and i never had problems selecting objects (i do proper naming).

      beside this i say it like schlörby and neil blevins: maya sux.


      • #63
        I don't know about maya, but I'm not so fond of max I must say. When it comes to selecting stuff, take rhino, that is easy selecting, and I don't have to name anything! Rhino had layers from their first build, max needs 10 years (or how long does it exist) before they implemented it. Ok, you can't compare these two programs, but to me, max is a good example how NOT to build and interface.
        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


        • #64
          Originally posted by flipside
          selecting, and I don't have to name anything! Rhino had layers from their first build, max needs 10 years (or how long does it exist) before they implemented it.

          the first ford T-modell had no airbag, today every little car company will have airbags.
          so ford must have no clue about building cars, right?

          now, when i think about it..... my first MAX does not have directX support and no nurbs. what a shame!

          rhino had nurbs from their first build....


          • #65
            Don't mention NURBS too much if you're trying to defend Max.


            • #66
              i don´t have to defend max.

              nurbs with max sux ass, no question.
              i use solid works or rhino for nurbs modeling.

              but you can not compare dos software from 1990 with software from today.

              i could start a discussion about mayas native renderedand how long it take A|W to.... ah forget it.


              • #67
                No need for a cut tool when you have meshtools.
                I would much rather model poly's in Max.
                Maya does big scenes and nurbs a lot better, but max run circles around maya for poly's.

                The day Maya can be as fast as max with sub-d's and poly modeling I might switch.
                Two heads are better than one ...
                ....but some head is better than none.....


                • #68
                  What about VRay for XSI?


                  • #69
                    Max is fast with sub-d's and poly? Did you ever try XSI sub-d's? 100 lightyears ahead of Max
                    Vray for XSI would kick some mayor Mental Ray's ass


                    • #70

                      it is not necessary to discuss it in section of announcements?


                      • #71
                        Could you all take this amateurish thread-hijacking garbage to a more appropriate forum? This thread is to discuss the latest build of Vray.



                        • #72
                          Ok Malleus, sorry for hurting your professionnality.




                          • #73
                            Damn, and I was just about to say I prefer to model in Lightwave (no, honest ).

                            But in order to comply with Malleus's wishes I wont ..... oops, soz

