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NEW Benchmark scene (Max 8 Vray RC3 required)

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  • you teaser!
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • its both i wrote it in there, knowing i mispelled it, but knowing that some of you will pick it out ...since it wasnt my intention to make you all actually believe me for 100% was fun.

      But, for real. If such scene was to be rendered on 80 core machine, it actually would take longer to render then 0.3 seconds, because of the voxelization time and antialiasing time per bucket. Would be something like 5-8 seconds
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • Originally posted by DaForce
        I will be getting myself a QX6700 soon, and clocking that sucker up to 3.5ghz. It will be more than 4 times faster than my current X2 which is only less than 2 years old
        Lol, ditto, went from X2 to dualcore 6600s to now quadcore 6600.

        Can I suggest the Xeon 3220 or Q6600 instead of the QX6700? I have 3 of them, and they all do between 3456MHz and 3546MHz on air cooling with the Ultra-120 Extreme. That is on the P5B Deluxe and the P5K deluxe, forget the P5W_DH, it hates quadcore overclocked. Which was a shame, as I had 2 of them.

        A very cheap solution to the renderfarm...


        • Ah sweet.. yeah just ordered my E6420 rig to tie me over till the intel price drop in july where i will probabaly buy a q6600 or something

          Purchased today, E6420, P5B deluxe, corsair 800mhz C4D. Will use existing 8800gtx and 850w silverstone PSU. going from an x2 4400.


          • Originally posted by davexl
            Originally posted by DaForce
            I will be getting myself a QX6700 soon, and clocking that sucker up to 3.5ghz. It will be more than 4 times faster than my current X2 which is only less than 2 years old
            Lol, ditto, went from X2 to dualcore 6600s to now quadcore 6600.

            Can I suggest the Xeon 3220 or Q6600 instead of the QX6700? I have 3 of them, and they all do between 3456MHz and 3546MHz on air cooling with the Ultra-120 Extreme. That is on the P5B Deluxe and the P5K deluxe, forget the P5W_DH, it hates quadcore overclocked. Which was a shame, as I had 2 of them.

            A very cheap solution to the renderfarm...
            I m building exactly the same setup P5K + XEON X3210 + 4Gb ram I dont have received yet all parts but I plan to run it @ 3.5Ghz
            Even if its not a X3220 I think that this X3210 would run higher speed because its stock VID is lower than the X3220.

            But you are right : this is a very good choice compared to a QX6700 or a Q6600 that have a lower quality (need more voltage for the same speed) than the X3220 or X3210.


            • Originally posted by n6
              But you are right : this is a very good choice compared to a QX6700 or a Q6600 that have a lower quality (need more voltage for the same speed) than the X3220 or X3210.
              Hope you are right - my experience is that the X3220 runs exactly the same as my Q6600s - same voltage, same heat, same top end. Let us know how you get on.

              Here is my Q6600 on a P5B deluxe at 3600 MHz running Vista 64 bit, MAX9 - just cracks the 2 minute mark.

              I will be running it 24/7 at a little over 3500Mhz.

              Different times on different OS / Max versions

              Interesting stats on another machine Q6600 @ 3420 MHz, 1G ram

              Vista64bit - Max9 64bit = 2mins 5.9 sec
              Vista64bit - Max9 32bit = 2mins 12.6 sec
              WinXP-32 bit - Max9 = 2mins 11.4 sec
              WinXP-32 bit - Max8 = 2mins 29.9 sec

              All tests best of 3 frames, same machine, same conditions, netrendering.


              • to davexl:

                how in the world did u get the vray install under vista? simply would not install for me...
                ...any trick?

                as when i tried installing vray it said it was not compatible with the system...

                u must have found a solution then...can u share?


                teabag studios



                • That doesnt suprise me, max8 is slower been mentioned many times before. And 64bit is often a little quicker just due to teh way it handles the memory better.

                  Any chance you could post all your Q6600 OC settings PM if needs be. I have the same mobo and a E6430 running at 3.2ghz (just for now till I have more time to crank it up) and will be getting a Quad core late july when the prices drop.

                  It has been mentioned before and a few peope are running vray and vista, from what I recall its a matter of right clicking and choose run as admiistrator when installing... I believe.
                  Other than that, I wouldnt recommend vista anyway. not yet atleast.


                  • yeah i know vista is not a system to use yet, but i was just curious ....will install vista on my second HDD though as i wanna play Lost Planet
                    teabag studios



                    • Ah you know you can play lost planet on XP right

                      Halo2 on the other hand is vista only.


                      • I'm going to install Vista today. I need to test firewall under Vista, so my betatest subscription continue
                        But certainly Win2K3 x64 will still remain installed also.
                        I just can't seem to trust myself
                        So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                        CG Artist


                        • Originally posted by n6
                          Originally posted by davexl
                          Originally posted by DaForce
                          I will be getting myself a QX6700 soon, and clocking that sucker up to 3.5ghz. It will be more than 4 times faster than my current X2 which is only less than 2 years old
                          Lol, ditto, went from X2 to dualcore 6600s to now quadcore 6600.

                          Can I suggest the Xeon 3220 or Q6600 instead of the QX6700? I have 3 of them, and they all do between 3456MHz and 3546MHz on air cooling with the Ultra-120 Extreme. That is on the P5B Deluxe and the P5K deluxe, forget the P5W_DH, it hates quadcore overclocked. Which was a shame, as I had 2 of them.

                          A very cheap solution to the renderfarm...
                          I m building exactly the same setup P5K + XEON X3210 + 4Gb ram I dont have received yet all parts but I plan to run it @ 3.5Ghz
                          Even if its not a X3220 I think that this X3210 would run higher speed because its stock VID is lower than the X3220.

                          But you are right : this is a very good choice compared to a QX6700 or a Q6600 that have a lower quality (need more voltage for the same speed) than the X3220 or X3210.
                          Ok here is my first test with my new setup :

                          Xeon quad core X3210 (400€ for now but its price would drop soon)
                          original frequency = 2.13Ghz
                          occed frequency = 3.3Ghz (7x470)

                          Render time under XP pro 32bits / Vray RC4 = 1m32s :P ...

                          I m still on air cooling so I cant push the cpu more for now.
                          With a good watercooling system, I pretty sure to render it under the minute ...


                          • N6- are you sure they are xeons? the quad core xeons are the X5xxx series.
                            Chris Jackson


                            • Originally posted by jacksc02
                              N6- are you sure they are xeons? the quad core xeons are the X5xxx series.
                              no! I m not sure...maybe tey are AMD ...

                              Stop kidding plz


                              • n6 is correct there are also X3xx quad core xeons too.

                                But I think they are just limited to 1 CPU per mobo?

                                Whats your temps like n6?

                                I current have my E6420 @ 3.2ghz and temps are low to mid 30's idle and mid 40's under load. I would imagine yours would be around 10C higher due to the extra 2 cores.
                                Im using a thermalright ultra 120 extreme too.

