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3d 360 panoramas for SAMSUNG Gear VR

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  • I see what you mean, I'll ask Klaus from KRPano if something can be done about it.
    As a work around, you can simple send the page to your home screen as a shortcut, once open through the shortcut "app" on your screen, you'll be in fullscreen mode.
    Or, you can simply save your krpano folder onto a offline reader app like "GoodReader", at least you wont need a internet connection anymore and it will be in fullscreen straight away as well.

    3LP Team


    • i just tried on on a sony Z2 and that worked full screen.

      Also tried it on an iphone 6 and that went full screen to start with but after i adjusted the ipd, the UI stayed on screen.

      The z2's large screen was much more immersive in terms of field of view.


      • I think you will find V-Ray rendered stereo cube maps viewed on the Gear VR pretty impressive Peter. Every single person I have shown these images too, they be architects or 3d artists, have been blown away. You get roughly the equivalent resolution to a 6k by 3k equirectangular image without the compression artifacts at the poles.

        Originally posted by peterguthrie View Post
        i managed to convert a cube map to equirectangular just so we could view it on our occulus. Pretty disappointed with the occulus rift I must say, hopefully the gearVR will be better!
        Digital Storytelling
        Kim Baumann Larsen
        Creative Director


        • I've updated my demo tour with no water marks, and 2 hotspot links within the image. Pretty happy with how it works and looks, at least on better phones.

          I've ordered an LG G3 phone which is the cheapest phone with a large screen and 2560x1400 pixels so I can do a more impressive demo.


          • Originally posted by werticus View Post
            I've ordered an LG G3 phone which is the cheapest phone with a large screen and 2560x1400 pixels so I can do a more impressive demo.
            Will this fit in the Gear VR or how will you view stuff?

            LG made their own "VR for G3" which isn't as impressive as the GearVR, more like a glorified Google Cardboard. Sadly it looks like they're not planning on marketing it further or making any newer ones for the G4 or beyond. Also, I can't get one in South Africa. Apprently it's available in the US and Australia
            Kind Regards,


            • It will fit in a cheap $22 viewer from ebay... It would probably fit the gear vr, it is a similar sized phone.

              And thanks for pointing me in the direction of a VR for G3 device as that is $25, i'll get one of those too


              • Originally posted by werticus View Post
                And thanks for pointing me in the direction of a VR for G3 device as that is $25, i'll get one of those too
                Cool let us know how it performs. Still very dissapointed about local LG guys. You won't believe how many people I had to speak to at the local LG headoffice and the distribution centre, retailers etc before I finally got an official answer. Most guys I spoke to never even heard of the VR for G3
                Kind Regards,


                • I went this morning on samsung flagstore to tried your link but none of them can be viewed online with a samsung Gear VR. It seems that the pano must be loaded into the phone or to the samsung online store, according to the Samsung salesman.

                  Anyway, the demo was done on the samsung galaxy S6, the best screen so far for VR headset according to my research, but it is still disappointing. Lot of pixel, the color are oversaturate and the 3D filling is not astonishing.

                  I read a lot of review, most of them said "incredible, best experience ever..." but it sounds like this review are done by afficionados of such techno or teenager that play game all days, because at this point, after trying the occulus and now the gear VR, I feel like it is not yet ready.

                  Originally posted by 3LP View Post
                  Hi guys,

                  Still :
                  This is one of my test about the new implementation VS the old one of the stereo pano rig.

                  Old :
                  New :

                  Anim :
                  I'm also working on getting some 360 stereo animation.
                  Here is my early test with a stereo render (that is not 360 so the wrapping is wrong but the idea is working) :

                  Note :
                  You need to have the beta version of chromium with WebVR enable to have the oculus working and be able to kick in stereo mode.
                  If you do not have this, then you can force the stereo display by adding "?display.stereo=true" behind the url.

                  example :

                  Or if you want to access full VR setup, then enable the fake VR mode and click on the goggles :




                    Just for information about VR authoring tools.


                    • Originally posted by werticus View Post
                      I've ordered an LG G3 phone which is the cheapest phone with a large screen and 2560x1400 pixels so I can do a more impressive demo.
                      The LG G3 should be really good for VR, especially when used with on of the better quality Google Cardboard viewers - very hight resolution IPS screen.

                      I've tried quite a few phones and we have also bought several different viewers to test. In my experience the type of display matters as much as the resolution. I was surprised how well an iPhone 6 (standard 6 not 6+) worked compared to a Nexus 6. The Nexus's 6" screen has a resolution of 2560x1440 (493 ppi) which you would think would be far better than the iPhone's 4.7" 1334x750 (326 ppi) screen. While the nexus clearly has the better resolution, to my eyes a least, the image on IPS screen looks smoother than AMOLED on the Nexus. I could clearly see the RGB LEDs on the Nexus. I have since bought a couple of Moto X Styles which have been really impressive for the VR stuff.

                      If anyone is interested the best viewer I have found so far this:
                      Dan Brew


                      • Yes I agree, I have a oculus DK2 and a iphone 6 with a similar viewer at 30$ and I find that for most of the cases, the iphone works way better than oculus as the resolution is way better.
                        Oculus I can really obviously see the pixels, with the iphone and the viewer, not that much, and it makes a huge difference.
                        On the flip side, oculus you really have a wide field of view as the iphone/viewer it looks like you look through a keyhole.
                        In fact,looking at the same thing, I can't really make my choice if I prefer one or the other, as they have pro and cons on both sides, but a iphone and a viewer is definitely a great alternative.
                        Just wishing the next gen of phones has a 4k screen or something similar, that will blow our socks off

                        by the way, shit :

                        3LP Team


                        • e: actually just saw the resolution difference between the nexus and iphone, i guess it's not just down to this.

                          danielbrew - it kind of is resolution, it's due to them having a pentile display and everyone using them counting higher.

                          Their displays are laid out like this -

                          they're counting both halves of the green separately in their pixel resolution (half a green counts as one pixel), but overall you've got 1/3rd less complete rgb groups.
                          Last edited by Neilg; 19-11-2015, 10:39 AM.


                          • Sorry if my post was a bit confusing. I didn't mean the iPhone was better than the nexus, I was just surprised how good the iPhone was with roughly a quarter of the pixels. The detail was far better on the nexus, it was just I could see how the screen worked like in your wiki post. My Moto X Style has the and resolution as the Nexus but uses IPS which to my eyes is the best phone for VR I've found.

                            Sony are releasing a 4k phone next month, Z5 premium, or something like that.
                            Dan Brew


                            • Originally posted by DanielBrew View Post
                              Unfortunatly, that one is not available on


                              • They don't ship to Australia either.

                                I should have the LG G3 soon and I will compare vs iphone 6+ and vs Sony Z2 and vs Iphone 5. In theory the G3 has the best screen.

