Keep in mind that beta 2 is not a final release. Most of the IPR improvements have been stability fixes, as those need to be ironed out first.
This will be done, but was not ready in time for beta 2. Issue #1 for me is stability 
See above.
See above.
See the link:
It has screenshots and everything.
It could be added, but I'm wondering if it's worth the trouble. Is this an often used feature with V-Ray RT?
Best regards,
Originally posted by Alex_M
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Another problem that still remains in beta 2 is that if you don't start IPR with a region render active, you can't do region renders while IPR is running.
Is the functionality of automatic refresh of IPR when a region is drawn added yet?
By the way, where does one find the pause and resume thingy that we see in the teaser?
It has screenshots and everything.
Will we be able to pause IPR renders like we can with RT? What if I want to do a bunch of changes but don't want IPR to do updates until I tell it to?
Best regards,