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skin shader a la Alsurface pleaseeee

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Name:	Alsruface_vray_Green_effect.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	370.5 KB
ID:	862738Hi Vlado, can you make a comparaison test with a sharp light like in my exemple and just use one layer of SSS, turn off the 2 other (keep the middle one on ) and compare it to Arnold, I feel like in Vray there is a lot more greener when you boost the sss, do it at different strengh of sss to see if it look's the same.


    • Sure, here are the Arnold renders at density scale 1, 5, and 10, middle SSS layer only. V-Ray renders in the next post.

      Best regards,
      Attached Files
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • And here are the V-Ray renders. You'll notice that the density 1 render is slightly brighter in V-Ray; this is because there is a bug in the original Arnold shader that causes the scattering to be darker in certain situations like this.

        Best regards,
        Attached Files
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • Well ok, your version look pretty much like Arnold.. I'm wondering because I'm trying to get the same result as in this tutorial , I put the same setting as him.. and I don't get the same at all : If you look at his result, his shadow are really red but without ANY SORT of greenish effect.. me one come with the other.. any idea ? Is there a way to fix this greenish thing? Always annoyed me since day one in SSS2 lol. and here his galery to see the render bigger :


          • Can you mimic more my lighting, since it highlight the weak point of the sahder more ^^ , put a white domelight at strenght : 0,05 maximum and a sharp but not 100 % sharp light, I used 6x6 vray plane light and do a render more on the front like I did, you can put it a little more on the side then me, but not too much. It should show 2 things, green edge around redish shadow and some sort of darkening blueshing in the zone that are not directly hit.. hard to explain, but the last render I posted we see it, like on the cheek let's say it get's darker in the sss , I would like to see it Arnold has it too.. since in some tutorials or render from peoples it seems not there... so far you'r render are pretty much identical to arnold haha. But if we can make it better, it's better

            EDIT : Also, you need to turn on GI, just in case ^^ I use both brute force
            Last edited by Bigguns; 21-07-2016, 09:29 AM.


            • I only write the shader, Luc - I can't tell you how to use it. Perhaps it would be best to talk to those guys and ask them for details on the set up? The shader behaves the same as in Arnold so you don't have the excuse that it is "worse" in some way anymore.

              If I had to guess though, you have to use all three components to counteract the green tint. For example, enabling all three components at default values does not produce green.

              Best regards,
              Last edited by vlado; 21-07-2016, 12:09 PM.
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • Here are two images with all three SSS component weights set to 1.0 (default colors and radiuses).

                Best regards,
                Attached Files
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • YEs I know that with all three layers it remove the green, but we loose the accentuated red lines at the start of the shadow... that's why I was trying with a single sss layer. Can you send me your scene ,the one with the sharp light on page 17, I want to see if I will go the exact same thing rendering on my side ^^

                  BTW , I just entered the exact same value as in the tutorial and get a really different result lol I mean, there was something somewhere different.. maybe arnold into Cinema 4d don't react the same as in Maya.. :S
                  Last edited by Bigguns; 21-07-2016, 10:05 AM.


                  • This looks amazing. Would love to get a version for Maya 2016.5 to play with.

                    Great job Vlado
                    Maya 2018 - Vray 3.6 - PhoenixFD 3.00.02 Beta - Win 7 -


                    • Finally the sss in the ear looks like it should ))

                      Vlado I wonder for your test with sharp light, how would fast sss2 look?
                      Dmitry Vinnik
                      Silhouette Images Inc.


                      • here is some comparaison, and I hope the main problem of this shader now is enlightned , I would like you to check if it's happening also in Arnold, if it is ( wich I never seen on render that peoples made with Arnold.. ) I would wonder what is causing this... because I can't get rid of it...( I can attenuate it a bit, like show on the last image.. ) is it just on my side.. want to see same ligthing on your side too.

                        So , just to explain the problem if it's not so evident for you, check especially the nose bridge how they get darker with a kind of blusih tint I'd say ( and with one sss layer it's even worse.. ) when you compare it with the sss2, you can see in the sss2 that part is way better ( iT's the only one lol ) and it's also occuring in thin part like the eyelashes.. and on angles on the cheek etc.. it seem to happen only on angles.. any idea? and a way to fix that nasty look ?

                        EDIT : It is like dark edge on angular surface... or the surface get translucent and we see some dark shadowing occuring? really strange..

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	alsurface_test_070.jpg
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ID:	862757Click image for larger version

Name:	alsurface_test_072.jpg
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ID:	862758Click image for larger version

Name:	alsurface_test_060.jpg
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ID:	862759Click image for larger version

Name:	alsurface_test_062.jpg
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ID:	862760Click image for larger version

Name:	alsurface_test_067.jpg
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ID:	862761
                        Last edited by Bigguns; 21-07-2016, 12:22 PM.


                        • Can you get me the scene with the model and the different light positions? I'm wondering if this is due to the "directional" SSS model, I should try the simpler "diffusion" one or the "empirical" one.

                          Best regards,
                          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                          • Originally posted by Morbid Angel View Post
                            Vlado I wonder for your test with sharp light, how would fast sss2 look?
                            Here you go. This is with the same parameters as the "middle" layer in alSurface.

                            Best regards,
                            Attached Files
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • Originally posted by vlado View Post
                              Here you go. This is with the same parameters as the "middle" layer in alSurface.

                              Best regards,
                              Yeah alsurface wins for skin for sure...
                              Dmitry Vinnik
                              Silhouette Images Inc.


                              • I will send it on your email, it's a bit heavy. Did you already made the diffusion and empirical one? otherwise you can check in Arnold the difference between them all, I'm very curious!

