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Important V-Ray 1.5 announcement

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  • Everyone watting for Vray 1.5 but nobody knows infact coders also don't know and because of these we can't plan our future projects.

    I am not the registered user but ready to buy when the vray 1.5 release and now these guys testing the patience...and they don't know i have a patience like a dead horse but what happen if this dead horse take a rebirth.


    • im sorry ashras but you are talking complete rubbish !
      and because of these we can't plan our future projects

      why are you waiting for 1.5 ?
      you buy the current version now and you will be freely upgraded !

      i think you have come into this discusion a little late and fancied adding your 2 cents worth.

      Please dont try to add more fuel to the fire, its not really needed.


      • ....
        i think you have come into this discusion a little late and fancied adding your 2 cents worth.

        Please dont try to add more fuel to the fire, its not really needed.
        I think this thread is obsolete now, even trying to feed it with high octane fuel won't make big flames, it's been a record long thread, at times very intense , first was the announcement of 1.5, then the "begging" of some of us to be included in the distribution of the internal build, then some of us ranted because we had to wait, finally it has gone public beta, so everybody who want can use it... or not.



        • Well said Fermi



          • Originally posted by plastic_
            vray is one of the most stable apps i work with.
            aha, have a look in the bugs forum.


            • Hi Longjohn

              sory i mind this after so long reading this forum.

              i found 5 messages from you only with bad news, moaning of vray. how unstable and so on.

              Are you stil using this programm ? Sorry to say this . but sometimes i get the feeling some people get payed to only bring in negativ things.

              of course you are right that there are still many bugs to be found. and of course you are right , chaos should have made up their announcements more professional.

              but there´s a difference between critics and critics. Some of them are brilliant to push a pruduct others only spill fuel into the flames.

              imo vray is allready a stable product (still while i also have some troubles as you might have seen in the bugs section). But compared with other products (think of vray´s host programm ) , this allready is a stable product, and getting better each day.

              still if this product doesnt fit the shoe for you, you have the possibillity to change over to other products.

              sorry don´t want to get personal longjohn. But sometimes only negative thoughts make me a bit tired.



              • I think there is no law that you have to write only positiv things?

                I see it this way, i bought it, i expect that it works flawless.

                If my car has issues i complain, if the car works well i don´t visit my dealer to say how great the car is.
                He got my money already. Thats life.

                Fact is, a stable bugfree (i mean major bugs) v1.5 is far far away (i think 2 month if not more).

                You have tested the new build and told here on this forum that it will only need a few little bugfixes before we see the final release. Now it looks like every new day see new bugs.

                It looks like a neverending story, not?

                I know that Vray has become more then the customers have paid for.
                I know that it can produce great images.

                There are enough people who repeat this over and over, so why are you so disturbed if some complain about the negativ points?

                Im still waiting for DR.


                • Of course not if it was a law, all those imo to negative threads allready would have been deleted by law. (while you would agree that there are many other renderforums where this allready would have happend without law )

                  Hm dr i would like to see to, but speedimprovements on 1.470 are as good, that this isnt my first choise anymore, while stripesets seem to work good.

                  well and of course the biggest bugs are allready gone.

                  i feel it is just an anrealistic wish, that some here want an absolute perfect vray 1.5 (it doesnt matter if it is called so). it is as if someone wants to make holydays, reads that somewhere the possibility of rain is 5 precent and counts from that moment the minuts of sunshine and rain.

                  the beta works just good enough for allomost each and also professional jobs. it isnt anymore a gaming thing. if you expect any bugfree software at all, you wont find any on earth i am sure.

                  but what you are right, is the way chaos announced the new versions could have been more professional.



                  • man Janus,
                    be glad that you dont have to work with programs like realwave.
                    where you don't have a choice because there isn't anything else you could use for a specific job. and it crashes every 10 mins, in totally random fashion.
                    i don't know any bugfree software. even photoshop has some quirks.
                    vray has a lot of small bugs and limitations, but it doesn't crash while rendering just before the deadline. that's what counts.
                    Marc Lorenz
                    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


                    • Glue3D
                      But i don´t like to update every day.

                      But one worse thing makes another worse thing not better.
                      Not that i think Vray is worse, but some things could be better.

                      I think Vray has become to big for only two programmer.
                      As others wrote too, i fear what will happen when Max 7 is released and we need a new update again.


                      • Well

                        what i would like to see is a little vray extension form vlado and peter, looking nearly the same as max, but as a standalone, 64 bit fast and clean.

                        this maybe would solve the max 7 problem.

                        but you are right.

                        as i have herard, it is damn hard to get any help from discreet in point of view of a programmer. support for third party programmers isnt real there, and only fr gets support.

                        you send them a question send it several times, and after 3 weeks you still dont get any qualified answer.

                        here its the other way round. one half of the brain dont know the other at discreet.



                        • Compared to Electric Image Universe 3 for Pc, VRay is as stable as a rock. When it first got ported over to PC, the damn program crashed every 5 clicks. NO KIDDING. the worst thing was that there's only 1 undo step. Can you believe that? The program made me want to rip my hair out.

                          Most of the time I had to run all my viewports in bounding box mode because I was scared it would crash. Thank god VRay came along. In fact, it's the only reason I went back to using Max.

                          Sure there are a few bugs. Microsoft spends billions trying to iron out the bugs in Windows with an army of programmers. What makes any of you think that Chaos group have anywhere near that kind of resource to throw at VRay?

                          Come on guys and girls, give the poor buggers a break!!!! They're doing
                          a damn good job.



                          • I do get your point, Long John.


                            • but it doesn't crash while rendering just before the deadline.
                              *It doesn't? Our deadline is getting hammered as I type this because of render errors. Given this new beta is getting better and better it's still need's to get ironed out a little imo.

                              Btw, I still find it funny when someone with a "fanboy" avatar pipes up in a convorsation. Seriously, are we going to get a real response from someone like that? It's like talking to the old school mac users, NOTHING is better than their mac. Sorry Tom, I'm not trying to be mean but that avatar and mindset drives me nuts.

                              I honestly don't know why I keep reading this thread lol. It's full of garbage.

                              Anyway, keep rockin V and P. I'll see your gentelmen at siggy.



                              • Umm... ok you can't edit posts with this version of phpBB? Or maybe they turned that off.

                                All kinds of spelling errors and stuff, but yeah, here's the working link


